Saturday, December 08, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
The Magic of Bumbo
Yes, I did post about how these seats had a safety recall. I think this little video explain why!
(no, none of these are my kids. Wish I had thought of it though)
(no, none of these are my kids. Wish I had thought of it though)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Posts #22 - 26
OK OK. So I fell off the NaBloPo wagon. Sorry about that folks. Here is the story.
Thanksgiving was at my house this year. This was my own doing. I wanted it this way. And it was fine. My grandfather came from his nursing home with my parents and it was just them and us and my sister. A small gathering. Intimate. My mother made some green bean caserole, some sort of cauliflower caserole and two pies. My sister made corn bread and bought the wine. I did the rest. It was quite a spread and very traditional.
The boys were not interested in anything remotely Thanksgiving-y. All they wanted to eat were cinnamon graham crackers. Much of their dinner was left on the floor. Half way through the meal they began to fall asleep so we knew it was time for them to visit Swingtown and napping ensued.
This was actually excellent timing because I was able to enjoy my feasting using both hands and taking time to taste the foods. Perfect.
Later, we realised that Waylon was wheezing and that his breathing was very labored. I pulled out the nebulizer from when he had pnemonia at 6 months old. This helped him for about an hour and a half, then we needed to do it again. Poor little guy was miserable.
Company departs and we try to put the boys to bed. Waylon would have none of it and his breathing seemed to worsen. So I become, once again, that woman who calls the pediatrician on every single holiday with some sort of question or concern. (remember the one last year when I called to say I had dropped a box of chocolates on the baby's head while we were in Target?!)
Doctor says to keep giving him the medicine every two hours through the night and if he gets worse to go to the hospital. Then to bring him to the office first thing in the morning.
Nobody got any sleep that night. Baby spent all night in mommy and daddy's bed, not sleeping. Other baby was in his own room and woke screaming to find his brother missing.
Go to doctor. Doctor says, "no more monkey's jumping on the bed" - no he says "sounds like he has some pnemonia again and definitely is wheezing". More meds. Antibiotics, steroids, asthma stuff. Great.
Second baby has chronic runny nose that ends in his mouth every time. Gross, but at least he is able to breathe so he gets very little attention over the next several days.
So, the next night, nobody sleeps. Try to get Waylon to sleep in his own crib. It doesn't work. Spend the night alternatingly putting him back to his crib, carrying him into my room.
Next day, back to doctor. Doctor says "Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla, bing bang..." - no he says "sounds like he is doing better. Keep him on the meds and bring him back on Monday."
That night, nobody sleeps....blah blah blah.
Monday, we all go to the doctor for a scheduled 15 month check-up. Sick baby gets no shots but his poor, neglected brother gets two for good measure. Plan of action is to keep sick baby on nebulizer through mid-January to prevent him from getting more phnemonia. Problem is, sick baby HATES nebulizer more than he hates eggs (just like his daddy).
Other piece of adivice from pediatrician at 15 month check-up - create a room in your house where they can play. Take out all of the furniture and put a light in the ceiling. Put pre-school-type padding on the floor and pad the lower half of the walls if you need to. Put lots of pillows on the floor. Oh yeah, and the room should have no windows. Why you may ask? Well, this is because one boy likes to bang his head on things like the floor or the wall and then his brother follows along and they both think it is hysterical. They both also enjoy breaking every gate we have in place to confine their world, and crawling up and down the stairs ar breakneck speeds is a favorite passtime. Also, slamming one another's fingers (and on occassion, one's own) in the piano is great fun! And lastly, the best time these days is had by shaking the gate that seperates them from the flat screen TV and the cabinet it is on so that both the TV and the cabinet shake and teeter precariously. And the floor lamp has already been knocked down, broken and removed from the room.
Did I happen to mention that this is my livingroom?
Does this sound like a fun place to play or solitary confinement?
And, by the way, we live in a 100 year old house. Every room has windows, mostly they are only 2 1/2 feet off the ground (perfect for boys to bang on), and every room has weird angles and corners. There are no simple, square, one point of entry rooms in our home. So, unless we move this isn't going to happen.
Today mommy is back at work and babies are having a daddy/baby-sitter day today. Mommy is a wee bit tired after such a fun filled few days at home with the family, but wouldn't trade it for anything.
Now, if anyone knows of a house with a room like that for sale, let me know.
Thanksgiving was at my house this year. This was my own doing. I wanted it this way. And it was fine. My grandfather came from his nursing home with my parents and it was just them and us and my sister. A small gathering. Intimate. My mother made some green bean caserole, some sort of cauliflower caserole and two pies. My sister made corn bread and bought the wine. I did the rest. It was quite a spread and very traditional.
The boys were not interested in anything remotely Thanksgiving-y. All they wanted to eat were cinnamon graham crackers. Much of their dinner was left on the floor. Half way through the meal they began to fall asleep so we knew it was time for them to visit Swingtown and napping ensued.
This was actually excellent timing because I was able to enjoy my feasting using both hands and taking time to taste the foods. Perfect.
Later, we realised that Waylon was wheezing and that his breathing was very labored. I pulled out the nebulizer from when he had pnemonia at 6 months old. This helped him for about an hour and a half, then we needed to do it again. Poor little guy was miserable.
Company departs and we try to put the boys to bed. Waylon would have none of it and his breathing seemed to worsen. So I become, once again, that woman who calls the pediatrician on every single holiday with some sort of question or concern. (remember the one last year when I called to say I had dropped a box of chocolates on the baby's head while we were in Target?!)
Doctor says to keep giving him the medicine every two hours through the night and if he gets worse to go to the hospital. Then to bring him to the office first thing in the morning.
Nobody got any sleep that night. Baby spent all night in mommy and daddy's bed, not sleeping. Other baby was in his own room and woke screaming to find his brother missing.
Go to doctor. Doctor says, "no more monkey's jumping on the bed" - no he says "sounds like he has some pnemonia again and definitely is wheezing". More meds. Antibiotics, steroids, asthma stuff. Great.
Second baby has chronic runny nose that ends in his mouth every time. Gross, but at least he is able to breathe so he gets very little attention over the next several days.
So, the next night, nobody sleeps. Try to get Waylon to sleep in his own crib. It doesn't work. Spend the night alternatingly putting him back to his crib, carrying him into my room.
Next day, back to doctor. Doctor says "Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla, bing bang..." - no he says "sounds like he is doing better. Keep him on the meds and bring him back on Monday."
That night, nobody sleeps....blah blah blah.
Monday, we all go to the doctor for a scheduled 15 month check-up. Sick baby gets no shots but his poor, neglected brother gets two for good measure. Plan of action is to keep sick baby on nebulizer through mid-January to prevent him from getting more phnemonia. Problem is, sick baby HATES nebulizer more than he hates eggs (just like his daddy).
Other piece of adivice from pediatrician at 15 month check-up - create a room in your house where they can play. Take out all of the furniture and put a light in the ceiling. Put pre-school-type padding on the floor and pad the lower half of the walls if you need to. Put lots of pillows on the floor. Oh yeah, and the room should have no windows. Why you may ask? Well, this is because one boy likes to bang his head on things like the floor or the wall and then his brother follows along and they both think it is hysterical. They both also enjoy breaking every gate we have in place to confine their world, and crawling up and down the stairs ar breakneck speeds is a favorite passtime. Also, slamming one another's fingers (and on occassion, one's own) in the piano is great fun! And lastly, the best time these days is had by shaking the gate that seperates them from the flat screen TV and the cabinet it is on so that both the TV and the cabinet shake and teeter precariously. And the floor lamp has already been knocked down, broken and removed from the room.
Did I happen to mention that this is my livingroom?
Does this sound like a fun place to play or solitary confinement?
And, by the way, we live in a 100 year old house. Every room has windows, mostly they are only 2 1/2 feet off the ground (perfect for boys to bang on), and every room has weird angles and corners. There are no simple, square, one point of entry rooms in our home. So, unless we move this isn't going to happen.
Today mommy is back at work and babies are having a daddy/baby-sitter day today. Mommy is a wee bit tired after such a fun filled few days at home with the family, but wouldn't trade it for anything.
Now, if anyone knows of a house with a room like that for sale, let me know.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Post #21
OK, I admit this wasn't written by me - but I had to pass it along.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Who's Sitting At The Children's Table?
Lifetime Products, based in Clearfield, Utah, commissioned a survey in October about American trends related to the ubiquitous kiddie table. Here are key findings:
More than nine in ten adults surveyed (94%) have sat at a kiddie table during Thanksgiving, while 83% have sat at the kiddie table for Christmas and 47% have sat there during Easter meals.
More than one in four adults (26%) and almost half of the children surveyed (44%) think the kiddie table is just plain more fun than the adult table.
Most often, adults ages 18-24 years old say their kiddie table was a plastic folding table (37%), but only 6% of respondents ages 45 and older can make that claim.
Forty percent of adults ages 18-24 say their kiddie table was set with disposable plates and utensils, while only 11% of adults ages 45 and older make that claim. Also, 84% of adults 45 and older report that their kiddie table had a tablecloth on it, but only 54% of people in the 18-24 age group say their table was set that way.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Who's Sitting At The Children's Table?
Lifetime Products, based in Clearfield, Utah, commissioned a survey in October about American trends related to the ubiquitous kiddie table. Here are key findings:
More than nine in ten adults surveyed (94%) have sat at a kiddie table during Thanksgiving, while 83% have sat at the kiddie table for Christmas and 47% have sat there during Easter meals.
More than one in four adults (26%) and almost half of the children surveyed (44%) think the kiddie table is just plain more fun than the adult table.
Most often, adults ages 18-24 years old say their kiddie table was a plastic folding table (37%), but only 6% of respondents ages 45 and older can make that claim.
Forty percent of adults ages 18-24 say their kiddie table was set with disposable plates and utensils, while only 11% of adults ages 45 and older make that claim. Also, 84% of adults 45 and older report that their kiddie table had a tablecloth on it, but only 54% of people in the 18-24 age group say their table was set that way.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Post #20
This post was supposed to be a video from YouTube but for some reason it didn't post. Darn technology!
Go to YouTube and search on How To Sleep (or try clicking here) by Robert Benchley. I wonder if Lucy and Ricky know this guy was sleeping in their bedroom?
There are some good tips on how to get a good nights' sleep after Thanksgiving dinner too.
Go to YouTube and search on How To Sleep (or try clicking here) by Robert Benchley. I wonder if Lucy and Ricky know this guy was sleeping in their bedroom?
There are some good tips on how to get a good nights' sleep after Thanksgiving dinner too.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Post #19
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Post # 18
First, have you seen Josette and Anne's blogs today? OMG...for a dose of the funnies, click here now. And then here.
Finished laughing yet? Wow. Those are good photos. I myself never indulged in the perm craze due to my naturally curly hair and all that. MY sister however, she was all about the perm. Unfortunately, I have no photos from the past to share with y'all. But I am going to keep it in mind the next time I am at my parents' house and have access to the family albums. That's funny stuff.
So, today what did we do? We had a little Thanksgiving of sorts, early-like. Jen and Steph from the perm era came over with their kids (three in all aged 10 mos to 7 years) and our new friends Joe and Marnie with their son (age 2yrs). We all got bundled up cuz it was cold here today don't ya know, and trekked down to the UBS Thanksgiving Parade Spectacular!
Husband and I have gone for the past two years. It is right down the street afterall. Last year we brought the Wondertwins in their Baby Bjorns, but they slept through the entire thing. This year, they were all bright eyed, demanding to sit atop daddy and/or mommy's shoulders. Lucky for me I had Uncle Steve standing by to do shoulder duty. I mean, have you ever tried to carry close to 30 pounds on your shoulders?
So, all the kiddies loved it. The Baranello family brought thermoses filled with hot cocoa. The kids all got to see Santa at the end. All of the favorite balloons were there; Kermit, Ms. Piggy, Beetle Bailey, Betty Boop, Big Bird, and of course Elmo and Dorothy.
Back at the house we continued the festivities with hot chili, warm apple cider and brownies. Yummm. Kiddies played (fought) with toys and the living room became a preschool for the afternoon. It was really a scene right out of Family Vacation or something like that. No, really the kids played together really nicely, especially giving their wide-range of ages. It was so nice to see them all running around, laughing and playing. At the end of the day it really felt like a special holiday moment. And yes, I am cheesy, I can't help it.
I promise to post some pics of the day (no, I didn't take that aerial shot of Elmo, I lifted it from the Parade site...psyche!). And I really hope you all have a wonderful and memorable Thanksgiving this year surrounded by friends and family!
Finished laughing yet? Wow. Those are good photos. I myself never indulged in the perm craze due to my naturally curly hair and all that. MY sister however, she was all about the perm. Unfortunately, I have no photos from the past to share with y'all. But I am going to keep it in mind the next time I am at my parents' house and have access to the family albums. That's funny stuff.
So, today what did we do? We had a little Thanksgiving of sorts, early-like. Jen and Steph from the perm era came over with their kids (three in all aged 10 mos to 7 years) and our new friends Joe and Marnie with their son (age 2yrs). We all got bundled up cuz it was cold here today don't ya know, and trekked down to the UBS Thanksgiving Parade Spectacular!

So, all the kiddies loved it. The Baranello family brought thermoses filled with hot cocoa. The kids all got to see Santa at the end. All of the favorite balloons were there; Kermit, Ms. Piggy, Beetle Bailey, Betty Boop, Big Bird, and of course Elmo and Dorothy.
Back at the house we continued the festivities with hot chili, warm apple cider and brownies. Yummm. Kiddies played (fought) with toys and the living room became a preschool for the afternoon. It was really a scene right out of Family Vacation or something like that. No, really the kids played together really nicely, especially giving their wide-range of ages. It was so nice to see them all running around, laughing and playing. At the end of the day it really felt like a special holiday moment. And yes, I am cheesy, I can't help it.
I promise to post some pics of the day (no, I didn't take that aerial shot of Elmo, I lifted it from the Parade site...psyche!). And I really hope you all have a wonderful and memorable Thanksgiving this year surrounded by friends and family!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Post #17
Since I spent the entire day with the boys, on my own, and they completely wiped me out, I am going to follow the advice of the late, great Red Skelton and "give the people what they want" (well, one person anyway). Following are more pics of the wonder twins. Enjoy!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Post #16
Today I spent the day in NYC. Boy, was it cold. It felt like winter. Brr. And it is only supposed to get colder over the weekend. Sunday is the Thanksgiving Parade in town. With the big Macy's Day Parade balloons. Or I should say the rejects from past Macy's Parades that didn't make the cut this year. They also fly some that are brand new and need a test run before the Big City parade on Thursday. Either way, it is a fun spectacle and the entire town, and more, come out for it every year. I am really looking forward to the boys' reactions this year. Last year they slept through it.
I spent the day at Yahoo! today and got to see all of my former colleagues. Most of us have moved on to different agencies but we all keep in touch via email from time to time. When I walked into the room it was like I had stepped back in time to my former office. Some of the folks there I hadn't seen since the day I left. It was really nice.
Yahoo! gave us each a big flippin' umbrella as a parting gift at the end of the day. Not so sure what to do with such a huge umbrella in the suburbs seeing as we don't play golf. In the city we used umbrellas like that when we had to walk around town during a downpour. Now that we are suburbanites we take the car everywhere. Not all that much walking to do. Maybe we can take it to the parade on Sunday?
OK. Gotta run. I just heard Mrs. Jinx puking in the dining room and I'd better go clean it up.
Mrs. Jinx is the cat...
I spent the day at Yahoo! today and got to see all of my former colleagues. Most of us have moved on to different agencies but we all keep in touch via email from time to time. When I walked into the room it was like I had stepped back in time to my former office. Some of the folks there I hadn't seen since the day I left. It was really nice.
Yahoo! gave us each a big flippin' umbrella as a parting gift at the end of the day. Not so sure what to do with such a huge umbrella in the suburbs seeing as we don't play golf. In the city we used umbrellas like that when we had to walk around town during a downpour. Now that we are suburbanites we take the car everywhere. Not all that much walking to do. Maybe we can take it to the parade on Sunday?
OK. Gotta run. I just heard Mrs. Jinx puking in the dining room and I'd better go clean it up.
Mrs. Jinx is the cat...
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Post #15
I am back at home. Regular day at the office today.
It feels good to be back at home with the family. I missed the boys so badly. It is great to be back with them. I love getting to put them to bed and read them their stories.
They haven't wanted to eat anything for the past month or so. I thought at first it was because of the teething (they each have about 14 teeth already) but now that they are all in and they still don't want to eat I don't know.
I am so desperate to get them to eat that I made a gross concoction tonight with the hope that they would get some of it into their gullets. It went something like this.
Meat Tortellini
Canned Pumpkin
Tomato Paste
Bread Crumbs
Wheat Germ
Mix all together, put in casserole dish and bake for 25 minutes (or dish out lukewarm before screaming gets too loud).
Believe me, I do not believe in torturing my children. I ate the stuff first. I stood in front of them pretending that it was "sooooo Delicious!" Blech. But it ended up being my dinner too. I am a team player don't ya' know.
Waylon actually ate quite a bit of the glop. Vlad, not so much. I redeemed myself with garlic bread which we all enjoyed very much.
This culinary delight was topped off with one Empire apple, that nobody really ate.
Ah well. I will keep on trying new mash ups until I find something that they will eat. In the meantime, I don't think we have to worry about either of them wasting away....
It feels good to be back at home with the family. I missed the boys so badly. It is great to be back with them. I love getting to put them to bed and read them their stories.
They haven't wanted to eat anything for the past month or so. I thought at first it was because of the teething (they each have about 14 teeth already) but now that they are all in and they still don't want to eat I don't know.
I am so desperate to get them to eat that I made a gross concoction tonight with the hope that they would get some of it into their gullets. It went something like this.
Meat Tortellini
Canned Pumpkin
Tomato Paste
Bread Crumbs
Wheat Germ
Mix all together, put in casserole dish and bake for 25 minutes (or dish out lukewarm before screaming gets too loud).
Believe me, I do not believe in torturing my children. I ate the stuff first. I stood in front of them pretending that it was "sooooo Delicious!" Blech. But it ended up being my dinner too. I am a team player don't ya' know.
Waylon actually ate quite a bit of the glop. Vlad, not so much. I redeemed myself with garlic bread which we all enjoyed very much.
This culinary delight was topped off with one Empire apple, that nobody really ate.
Ah well. I will keep on trying new mash ups until I find something that they will eat. In the meantime, I don't think we have to worry about either of them wasting away....
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Post #14
Well here I am at the end of my trip to Orlando and I managed to post every day! Granted, yesterday's post was sort of lame...but at least I logged on and typed something. I feel very accomplished!
Last night we went to the House of Blues at the Magic Kingdom and had dinner and saw a Keller Williams show. Judy and I took the client. It was a pretty good dinner. The atmosphere at House of Blues is pretty cool. The entire place is a follk art piece. Folk art on the walls, ceiling, floors....we were trying to figure out if it was authentic art or "Disney" art. I still have no idea.
The show was pretty good. I guess Keller Williams is popular with the hippie kids and the older generation of Dead Heads. The kids were dancing the free-style and the older folks were in the balcony (more expensive seats) swaying back and forth. It was actually more entertaining to watch the crowd than to watch the show.
Today I planned to sleep with no alarm and then have breakfast and grab a cab to the airport. I guess I didn't fill-in my better half because at 7:15 my phone rang and there he was. I heard the boys in the background tearing apart the kitchen. Ah, well. I guess I didn't really need the extra sleep.
It was a productive few days and enjoyable too. I can't wait to get home anc see the family this afternoon. I miss them so much!
Last night we went to the House of Blues at the Magic Kingdom and had dinner and saw a Keller Williams show. Judy and I took the client. It was a pretty good dinner. The atmosphere at House of Blues is pretty cool. The entire place is a follk art piece. Folk art on the walls, ceiling, floors....we were trying to figure out if it was authentic art or "Disney" art. I still have no idea.
The show was pretty good. I guess Keller Williams is popular with the hippie kids and the older generation of Dead Heads. The kids were dancing the free-style and the older folks were in the balcony (more expensive seats) swaying back and forth. It was actually more entertaining to watch the crowd than to watch the show.
Today I planned to sleep with no alarm and then have breakfast and grab a cab to the airport. I guess I didn't fill-in my better half because at 7:15 my phone rang and there he was. I heard the boys in the background tearing apart the kitchen. Ah, well. I guess I didn't really need the extra sleep.
It was a productive few days and enjoyable too. I can't wait to get home anc see the family this afternoon. I miss them so much!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Post #13
Last night I ate Gator. It was pretty good. We had a great dinner with Yahoo.
Everyone hates this hotel. It's not just me.
Everyone hates this hotel. It's not just me.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Post #12
To answer Steph's question - yes, we are in Celebration. Though not in the cute little town. We just drove through there and it was so bizarre - clean, orderly, art-deco architecture mixed with PLantaion homes. My co-worker Judy keeps calling it the Truman Show. And would you believe I saw billboards advertising condos starting in the $100's?! I mean, can you really buy a place to live down here for that little? It is very tempting.
And to answer Steph's other question - the cab driver said he hated Haititans because he is an American who has been driving a cab since April 1980 and in the past 5 or 6 years he has seen the Hatians take over the taxi cab business in central Florida. He said they are terrible partners and he has to share a cab with one because there are no other Americans to choose from. He said they all lie and cheat and can't speak the American language (please believe that I am not making any of this up). He asked me if all of the taxi drivers in the Northeast were foreigners too. I was like "um...yes?"
Then the guy told me about his father who was in "that generation that Tom Brokaw wrote about". He fought in WWII and lost a lot of good men. He was a "seer" or a "psychic" and my cabbie felt that he had inherited some of his father's gift of sight. He also told me that when he was 18 he was a hippy-wannabe and that he used to use the Lord's name in vain and say GD all the time. And now he wishes he could take all of those bad words back (the guy was like 60). He also told me that he began reading scripture when he was 18. And it dawned on him then, and it becomes clearer to him each year, that in America people are too self-centered and materialistic. And what did I think about that? He also told me that he forgets stuff and thinks it might be early onset Alzheimers. And by the way, he hates computers and doesn't own one and doesn't believe in them and Bill Gates is a theif and a liar and so are all of those other people who made computers and "that internet" - HELLO! I am here to attend a conference about INTERNET MARKETING!!! I was so glad that we got to my hotel before he asked me what sort of business I was travelling on.
I was just happy to make it out of the car in one piece. Maybe this isn't the scary part of Florida, but that guy was one character that will go down in the books.
Today we went to the hotel where the conference was. We were unable to get a room there when we booked ourselves for the conference because it was sold out. Well my lordy. It is soooooo beautiful! The Omni Champions Gate (or something like that). There is no comparison between the two hotels. I don't know why the conference organizers chose this dump as second to the conference venue.....
But all else is good. The weather is nice. We had breakfast with the client at Shoney's - which was delicous in a gross way. Biscuits and gravy. Yummmmm. And we had an excellent lunch at the conference hotel. And in about an hour I will be off to dinner with Yahoo and the client at Charley's Steakhouse, so I am sure it won't be a low-cal dinner. Though the sinus infection and antibiotics will keep the alcohol at bay, I am sure I can find other empty calories to take it's place - like maybe Dessert!
And to answer Steph's other question - the cab driver said he hated Haititans because he is an American who has been driving a cab since April 1980 and in the past 5 or 6 years he has seen the Hatians take over the taxi cab business in central Florida. He said they are terrible partners and he has to share a cab with one because there are no other Americans to choose from. He said they all lie and cheat and can't speak the American language (please believe that I am not making any of this up). He asked me if all of the taxi drivers in the Northeast were foreigners too. I was like "um...yes?"
Then the guy told me about his father who was in "that generation that Tom Brokaw wrote about". He fought in WWII and lost a lot of good men. He was a "seer" or a "psychic" and my cabbie felt that he had inherited some of his father's gift of sight. He also told me that when he was 18 he was a hippy-wannabe and that he used to use the Lord's name in vain and say GD all the time. And now he wishes he could take all of those bad words back (the guy was like 60). He also told me that he began reading scripture when he was 18. And it dawned on him then, and it becomes clearer to him each year, that in America people are too self-centered and materialistic. And what did I think about that? He also told me that he forgets stuff and thinks it might be early onset Alzheimers. And by the way, he hates computers and doesn't own one and doesn't believe in them and Bill Gates is a theif and a liar and so are all of those other people who made computers and "that internet" - HELLO! I am here to attend a conference about INTERNET MARKETING!!! I was so glad that we got to my hotel before he asked me what sort of business I was travelling on.
I was just happy to make it out of the car in one piece. Maybe this isn't the scary part of Florida, but that guy was one character that will go down in the books.
Today we went to the hotel where the conference was. We were unable to get a room there when we booked ourselves for the conference because it was sold out. Well my lordy. It is soooooo beautiful! The Omni Champions Gate (or something like that). There is no comparison between the two hotels. I don't know why the conference organizers chose this dump as second to the conference venue.....
But all else is good. The weather is nice. We had breakfast with the client at Shoney's - which was delicous in a gross way. Biscuits and gravy. Yummmmm. And we had an excellent lunch at the conference hotel. And in about an hour I will be off to dinner with Yahoo and the client at Charley's Steakhouse, so I am sure it won't be a low-cal dinner. Though the sinus infection and antibiotics will keep the alcohol at bay, I am sure I can find other empty calories to take it's place - like maybe Dessert!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Post #11
Hubby and I had a very romantic, relaxing evening at the Doral Arrowwood Hotel in Rye Brook, NY. It was a beautiful resort. Our room was OK. Ernie used the gym and the sauna and steam room. We went to Tarrytown, which is an adorable little village on the Hudson River for lunch today. There is an amazing Greek place on the corner of Main Street that had a 20 minute wait. We sat outside and ate with our coats on to avoid the wait. The gyros were amazing. Like the best I have ever tasted. Wow.
Then Ernie dopped me off at the airport (conveniently 10 minutes from the rresort) and off I flew to Orlando, which is where I am right now. In a crappy hotel. One mile from Disney. The hotel is the Radisson ORlando Celebration. I arrived at 7pm. I have three nights accomodations which had been reserved for more than a month. I check in and they tell me at the front desk that I only had two nights booked. I was like, um, please check again. I am tired and hungry and still suffering from a sinus infection.
I convince them to give me a third night. After a few minutes in a back room, the front desk person came back to tell me "no worries", they would have a room for me.
I get to my room and unpack. OK. Starving. I tell my boss and coworker that I am not going to join them for dinner because I need a good nights' sleep. I call room service, about 100 times, and realize there is no room service. I call the Guest Services number and they ask if I want to speak to a manager and I tell them no, I want some food. Can you get me some? Again "do you want to speak to a manager?" So I hung up.
There are two menus under my room door from local pizza joints. Visions of a creepy delivery guy from central Florida coming to my hotel room gives me chills. Plus, I gave almost all of my cash to the super-creepy, bible-thumping, Hatian-hating, ex-hippie, army brat taxi driver on the way to the hotel.
An hour later I switch out of my comfy sweat pants back into my travel clothes and make the treck across the tropical waterfall area to the next building where a deli and Pizza Hut are. Gross. Starving. ??? What would you do?
I ordered a veggie lovers pizza and bring it back to my room. Gross. But at least now I'm not hungry.
That's it. Again. Don't ever stay here. Terrible service and I have only been here for two hours.
Oh yeah, and the up button on the TV remote doesn't work either. Geesh.
Then Ernie dopped me off at the airport (conveniently 10 minutes from the rresort) and off I flew to Orlando, which is where I am right now. In a crappy hotel. One mile from Disney. The hotel is the Radisson ORlando Celebration. I arrived at 7pm. I have three nights accomodations which had been reserved for more than a month. I check in and they tell me at the front desk that I only had two nights booked. I was like, um, please check again. I am tired and hungry and still suffering from a sinus infection.
I convince them to give me a third night. After a few minutes in a back room, the front desk person came back to tell me "no worries", they would have a room for me.
I get to my room and unpack. OK. Starving. I tell my boss and coworker that I am not going to join them for dinner because I need a good nights' sleep. I call room service, about 100 times, and realize there is no room service. I call the Guest Services number and they ask if I want to speak to a manager and I tell them no, I want some food. Can you get me some? Again "do you want to speak to a manager?" So I hung up.
There are two menus under my room door from local pizza joints. Visions of a creepy delivery guy from central Florida coming to my hotel room gives me chills. Plus, I gave almost all of my cash to the super-creepy, bible-thumping, Hatian-hating, ex-hippie, army brat taxi driver on the way to the hotel.
An hour later I switch out of my comfy sweat pants back into my travel clothes and make the treck across the tropical waterfall area to the next building where a deli and Pizza Hut are. Gross. Starving. ??? What would you do?
I ordered a veggie lovers pizza and bring it back to my room. Gross. But at least now I'm not hungry.
That's it. Again. Don't ever stay here. Terrible service and I have only been here for two hours.
Oh yeah, and the up button on the TV remote doesn't work either. Geesh.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Post #10
Today hubby and I are going on a mini-vacation! Woo-hoo. We are going to a resort two towns away. Though very close to home, it IS in another state (NY). So we can feel like we are "esacaping" for the first time in 14 months.
We were supposed to spend a long weekend in Orlando since I am going there on business tomorrow. But the airfares were so high it made no sense for Ernie to pay that much for a couple of days away.
So Aunt Dee and godparents Carleen and Jeff are going to be home with boys for the night.
Husband is stressing because I am online. I'd better go before he explodes. Then I might have to kill him.
We were supposed to spend a long weekend in Orlando since I am going there on business tomorrow. But the airfares were so high it made no sense for Ernie to pay that much for a couple of days away.
So Aunt Dee and godparents Carleen and Jeff are going to be home with boys for the night.
Husband is stressing because I am online. I'd better go before he explodes. Then I might have to kill him.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Post #8
Jozet commented on the toy recall post and sent along this link to a really cool site where you can find great toys that (most likely) will not harm your child.
Tomorrow is another PTO day from work! Woo-hoo. I get to hang out with all the boys for the day; hubby, Vladi, Waylon. My favorite men. Very exciting.
Thinking the boys might need another hair cut. Their hair is starting to look like their Grandmother Adzentoivich's. Maybe we will take them to the old barber shop tomorrow during our family day.
Sinuses are clearing up yet I still feel oh soooo tired. I've got to go to Orlando this weekend with work. Actually with my boss and the client. Though I am not complaining. It should be a fun conference. Typically, when I travel for work I end up in Saint Louis, which is a fine city, but I will surely appreciate the warm and sunny Florida weather for a change.
NBC is broadcasting this stupid Green Week. All of the shows have a Green theme. Only it is really stupid. I don't know what they are trying to get across. I guess maybe just reaching the most people to let them know that being Green is now "cool". But wouldn't it make more impact if NBC/GE actually became Green themselves. As companies? I know GE produces windmills and alternative energy research, etc. But are the networks Green? I don't know. I have yet to hear of any Big Business making any sort of radical change in the name of Green, though they are all jumping on the PR band-wagon for the sake of good press. But what does it all really mean?
If we want to really get involved I think we need to turn off our TVs and do something.
Here is the link to the Green Party web site
Here is the link to where you can find Go Green Guides
Here is the National Geographic Green Guide
And the US Green Building Council
Lastly, the Sundance Channel's Green Programming Site
We just had one of the City organizations come to our house and test it for energy waste. Since our house is heated with Gas and is almost 100 years old we qualified for this test. They spent a couple of hours replacing all of our lightbulbs with super efficient CFL bulbs (though we already had quite a few). They also tested the sealant around our windows, doors, walls, etc. They also tested all of our appliances and gave us a little watt tester to find out how much energy they draw when off but still plugged in. So now we are starting to unplug things like the toaster over, when not in use. I try to use the cold water a lot more than the hot. My sister and I carpool to work every day.
I know we aren't the Greenest family - but we'll do all we can to be better at it. I am looking into kitchen composters now.
And what do you think about this?
Tomorrow is another PTO day from work! Woo-hoo. I get to hang out with all the boys for the day; hubby, Vladi, Waylon. My favorite men. Very exciting.
Thinking the boys might need another hair cut. Their hair is starting to look like their Grandmother Adzentoivich's. Maybe we will take them to the old barber shop tomorrow during our family day.
Sinuses are clearing up yet I still feel oh soooo tired. I've got to go to Orlando this weekend with work. Actually with my boss and the client. Though I am not complaining. It should be a fun conference. Typically, when I travel for work I end up in Saint Louis, which is a fine city, but I will surely appreciate the warm and sunny Florida weather for a change.
NBC is broadcasting this stupid Green Week. All of the shows have a Green theme. Only it is really stupid. I don't know what they are trying to get across. I guess maybe just reaching the most people to let them know that being Green is now "cool". But wouldn't it make more impact if NBC/GE actually became Green themselves. As companies? I know GE produces windmills and alternative energy research, etc. But are the networks Green? I don't know. I have yet to hear of any Big Business making any sort of radical change in the name of Green, though they are all jumping on the PR band-wagon for the sake of good press. But what does it all really mean?
If we want to really get involved I think we need to turn off our TVs and do something.
Here is the link to the Green Party web site
Here is the link to where you can find Go Green Guides
Here is the National Geographic Green Guide
And the US Green Building Council
Lastly, the Sundance Channel's Green Programming Site
We just had one of the City organizations come to our house and test it for energy waste. Since our house is heated with Gas and is almost 100 years old we qualified for this test. They spent a couple of hours replacing all of our lightbulbs with super efficient CFL bulbs (though we already had quite a few). They also tested the sealant around our windows, doors, walls, etc. They also tested all of our appliances and gave us a little watt tester to find out how much energy they draw when off but still plugged in. So now we are starting to unplug things like the toaster over, when not in use. I try to use the cold water a lot more than the hot. My sister and I carpool to work every day.
I know we aren't the Greenest family - but we'll do all we can to be better at it. I am looking into kitchen composters now.
And what do you think about this?
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Post #7
Did I miss a day? I didn't think I did. Did I? Oh NO! I hope I didn't.
Does this sound weird? This isn't weird. It is very typical for me to not remember something so seemingly simple. Deal With It (as Taylor from Kid Nation might tell you, yes I am watching with it).
I was talking with my friend Melissa last evening while waiting for my sinus medication at CVS. Ah yes, it is that time of year again. The annual sinus infection-a-thon. Everyone is doing it. Really.
But anyway, I was speaking with Melissa and she said how glad she was that I was blogging again as that was how she kept tabs on me. This got me to thinking.
Blogs are truly a great tool for moms and dads who have no time for social phone calls, etc. I think of all of the great, funny blogs I read and the far majority of them are written by witty, busy moms. Somehow, once the kids are asleep and the wine comes out, it is very satisfying to sit and blog while watching TV, or whatever ('cause you know we can't do just one thing at a time).
I think a lot of it is a time thing. It isn't always that free time comes along during acceptable calling hours, but it is never a rude time to blog. And all of that great blog material that comes to you as you care for children/work/run the household/etc./etc. is just too good not to write down. I mean, you've got to get it out of your head somehow.
So here is a shout out to all of us moms who keep in touch through our network of blogs. I am not hurt or offended if you don't call as often as you used to - as long as you keep on blogging!
Does this sound weird? This isn't weird. It is very typical for me to not remember something so seemingly simple. Deal With It (as Taylor from Kid Nation might tell you, yes I am watching with it).
I was talking with my friend Melissa last evening while waiting for my sinus medication at CVS. Ah yes, it is that time of year again. The annual sinus infection-a-thon. Everyone is doing it. Really.
But anyway, I was speaking with Melissa and she said how glad she was that I was blogging again as that was how she kept tabs on me. This got me to thinking.
Blogs are truly a great tool for moms and dads who have no time for social phone calls, etc. I think of all of the great, funny blogs I read and the far majority of them are written by witty, busy moms. Somehow, once the kids are asleep and the wine comes out, it is very satisfying to sit and blog while watching TV, or whatever ('cause you know we can't do just one thing at a time).
I think a lot of it is a time thing. It isn't always that free time comes along during acceptable calling hours, but it is never a rude time to blog. And all of that great blog material that comes to you as you care for children/work/run the household/etc./etc. is just too good not to write down. I mean, you've got to get it out of your head somehow.
So here is a shout out to all of us moms who keep in touch through our network of blogs. I am not hurt or offended if you don't call as often as you used to - as long as you keep on blogging!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Post #6
Wow! I think I have already beat my NaBloPo posting record of last year...
So, I was recently online (OK, you caught me, I am online right now) and decided to Google "Toy Recalls", you know, just for fun.
Scary stuff.
I went to the Official Government Site of Bad Toys (or something like that) and I could hear the song clear as day "...Here on the Island of Misfit Toys, where we don't want to stay..."
All of those poor lead-full toys will not find themselves under anyones Christmas tree or Menorah this year. Boo-hoo. And if they do, they will be swiftly kicked to the curb by any fastidious mom who keeps up with The Today Show or NPR.
Interesting that Mattel has a video on their Consumer Safety site. They are reassuring parents that it is OK to buy Mattel toys for Christmas. Like they didn't know that those manufacturers they contracted with in China and now Mexico were using lead-based paint? And it just so happened that their "rigorous safety control" testers never found any elevated levels? He says they "have been working hard" (where have we heard that before?) to make sure there are no more issues. How about working a little harder? Shouldn't they have this process in place by now after 60 years in the business?
How many other parents have had to sit at home waiting three weeks for the results of their kids' blood lead-level tests to come back? Hubby and I, for two. And our friends Joe and Marnie, for two more. How much money is this little oversight costing the healthcare industry in this country as more and more babies and toddlers are being tested for lead? And more than once?
Now, before I go off here, I have to admit that our kids' lead levels were not likely elevated due to toys (though we have found three on the list so far) or bottles, etc. but the Pediatricians are now testing regularly at check-ups. And once the level is identified as "high" a second test must be done and all results must go to the State Department of Health. This is a lengthy process involving insurance companies and state agencies. Does anyone think this isn't going to bite us somehwere down the line? Though I would much rather have it make a dent in my pocketbook than in my childs brain.
I think for Christmas this year I am going to buy all wooden toys painted with soy paint. I found one interesting company and haven't seen it on any of the recall lists - yet. If you have, please let me know.
Books are awlays good to. We have soo many and the boys love to chew (eat) on them. I often wonder if maybe the books don't have lead in the ink. I haven't heard anything about that yet.
Ironically, I just heard my insurance premiums are going up for 2008.
So, I was recently online (OK, you caught me, I am online right now) and decided to Google "Toy Recalls", you know, just for fun.
Scary stuff.
I went to the Official Government Site of Bad Toys (or something like that) and I could hear the song clear as day "...Here on the Island of Misfit Toys, where we don't want to stay..."
All of those poor lead-full toys will not find themselves under anyones Christmas tree or Menorah this year. Boo-hoo. And if they do, they will be swiftly kicked to the curb by any fastidious mom who keeps up with The Today Show or NPR.
Interesting that Mattel has a video on their Consumer Safety site. They are reassuring parents that it is OK to buy Mattel toys for Christmas. Like they didn't know that those manufacturers they contracted with in China and now Mexico were using lead-based paint? And it just so happened that their "rigorous safety control" testers never found any elevated levels? He says they "have been working hard" (where have we heard that before?) to make sure there are no more issues. How about working a little harder? Shouldn't they have this process in place by now after 60 years in the business?
How many other parents have had to sit at home waiting three weeks for the results of their kids' blood lead-level tests to come back? Hubby and I, for two. And our friends Joe and Marnie, for two more. How much money is this little oversight costing the healthcare industry in this country as more and more babies and toddlers are being tested for lead? And more than once?
Now, before I go off here, I have to admit that our kids' lead levels were not likely elevated due to toys (though we have found three on the list so far) or bottles, etc. but the Pediatricians are now testing regularly at check-ups. And once the level is identified as "high" a second test must be done and all results must go to the State Department of Health. This is a lengthy process involving insurance companies and state agencies. Does anyone think this isn't going to bite us somehwere down the line? Though I would much rather have it make a dent in my pocketbook than in my childs brain.
I think for Christmas this year I am going to buy all wooden toys painted with soy paint. I found one interesting company and haven't seen it on any of the recall lists - yet. If you have, please let me know.
Books are awlays good to. We have soo many and the boys love to chew (eat) on them. I often wonder if maybe the books don't have lead in the ink. I haven't heard anything about that yet.
Ironically, I just heard my insurance premiums are going up for 2008.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Post #5
So, what I was trying to say before my laptop conked out last night...the boys went to Stew Leonard's for the first time yesterday. They LOVED it, of course.

It's the Disney World of Dairy Stores. I had my first job there when I was 16. I was a cashier/ Jennifer was too. We got in trouble We quit by walking out when we were supposed to be on a 15 minute break and we went to a football game instead. Can you believe that? I can't believe I ever behaved that way - but hey, I was 16.

It's the Disney World of Dairy Stores. I had my first job there when I was 16. I was a cashier/ Jennifer was too. We got in trouble We quit by walking out when we were supposed to be on a 15 minute break and we went to a football game instead. Can you believe that? I can't believe I ever behaved that way - but hey, I was 16.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Post #4
Computer is flashing Low Battery, Low Battery.
Me, I caught the boys' cold. I am also flashing Low Battery, Low Battery.
So sick...
Husband comes home tomorrow. Yay!
Boys had their first trip to Stew Leonard's tod
Me, I caught the boys' cold. I am also flashing Low Battery, Low Battery.
So sick...
Husband comes home tomorrow. Yay!
Boys had their first trip to Stew Leonard's tod
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Post #3
Wow. I almost forgot about this today. I hadn't even logged onto the computer and just remembered as I was about to sit down for my evening TV viewing. The boys are asleep, the kitchen is clean. The washing machine and dryer are both whirring away. Mega Blocks are put away. Stinky diaper's are out in the trash. Now it's my time. I typically last about an hour or so before I drift off.
Aunt Dee and I took the monsters to Bennigans today. I had never been to a Bennigans before, and now I know why. Ick. The set-up was good for the boys and it was so massive that I didn't worry that they were disturbing anyone. But the food? Yuck. Gross. Deanne's sandwich wasn't too bad, but the thing I had was nasty. The boys milk shake was gross too - and it's pretty hard to mess that up. Yes, they are drinking milk shakes these days as they are one of about three things I can convince them to eat. Seems they are on a hunger strike lately. Especuially Waylon. He won't eat anything. He does OK with avocado, french fries, spaghetti, milk shakes and cookies. Pretty much my worse nightmare. But I figure that anything I can get into his gullet is better than nothing. Right?
Boy was it cold and windy here today. They say we are getting a taste of Noel - that storm that hit Florida at the end of the week. It is really cold. Like 40. Feels like winter, finally. Boys had to wear their little winter coats for the first time, courtesy of the Mother's of Multiples tag sale a few weeks ago.
I found Heroes on the G4 channel, which I thought was a video game channel. I guess Heroes appeals to the same demographic? All season 2 episodes. I think I am going to stay up for a couple of hours and catch up on what I have missed so far this season. We have a DVR which records probably 25 different shows a week but I honestly only ever get to watch one or two of them in any given week. I see the appeal of the gadget but there are still only so many hours in a day to watch TV.
OK. So I fulfilled my obligation today. Even if it was a lame-o post....I promise they won't all be this bad.

Aunt Dee and I took the monsters to Bennigans today. I had never been to a Bennigans before, and now I know why. Ick. The set-up was good for the boys and it was so massive that I didn't worry that they were disturbing anyone. But the food? Yuck. Gross. Deanne's sandwich wasn't too bad, but the thing I had was nasty. The boys milk shake was gross too - and it's pretty hard to mess that up. Yes, they are drinking milk shakes these days as they are one of about three things I can convince them to eat. Seems they are on a hunger strike lately. Especuially Waylon. He won't eat anything. He does OK with avocado, french fries, spaghetti, milk shakes and cookies. Pretty much my worse nightmare. But I figure that anything I can get into his gullet is better than nothing. Right?
Boy was it cold and windy here today. They say we are getting a taste of Noel - that storm that hit Florida at the end of the week. It is really cold. Like 40. Feels like winter, finally. Boys had to wear their little winter coats for the first time, courtesy of the Mother's of Multiples tag sale a few weeks ago.
I found Heroes on the G4 channel, which I thought was a video game channel. I guess Heroes appeals to the same demographic? All season 2 episodes. I think I am going to stay up for a couple of hours and catch up on what I have missed so far this season. We have a DVR which records probably 25 different shows a week but I honestly only ever get to watch one or two of them in any given week. I see the appeal of the gadget but there are still only so many hours in a day to watch TV.
OK. So I fulfilled my obligation today. Even if it was a lame-o post....I promise they won't all be this bad.

Friday, November 02, 2007
Post #2
Yay! I am on day two. Are you proud of me?
It is also day two of just me and the boys at home. Vladimir is walking around going something like "blegh, agh, yagh" and bubbley stuff is coming out of his mouth. This is because he has his brothers cold and his snot is running from his nose to his mouth. I guess he doesn't like the taste? Aren't little boys supposed to like eating boogers?
No big plans for today. But definitely going to take the boys out in the minivan for a trip to Target. Right now I am just waiting for them both to poop before we go. Gotta love that. I've been thinking about it for a good 24 hours. A trip to Target sans hubby. I can buy all those non-essentials that look so cool on the TV ads without a little birdy whispering in my ear about not spending money, blah, blah...
I got a call from said Husband last evening. Seems he is having a swell time in LA. He met some guy who wrote all the music for the new Halo game. He asked him for his reel and told him that he was looking for some more composers. Husband is a good networker. He always seems to do well at those things.
Today I am supposed to have my first professional piece published by MediaPost. If you subscribe to any of their gajillion eNewsletters you just may see my name today.
I remembered to give the cat his pill this morning.
If you ask me, I think I have accomplished quite a bit today already. Now if only I could convince the boys that it would be very OK to let mama take a nap - she has earned it! Somehow I don't think that one will go over very well. I have difficulty convincing them that it is OK for THEM to take naps....ah well. The daily marathon continues.
The boys just put on their Halloween costumes and are playing together as a puppy and a lion...
It is also day two of just me and the boys at home. Vladimir is walking around going something like "blegh, agh, yagh" and bubbley stuff is coming out of his mouth. This is because he has his brothers cold and his snot is running from his nose to his mouth. I guess he doesn't like the taste? Aren't little boys supposed to like eating boogers?
No big plans for today. But definitely going to take the boys out in the minivan for a trip to Target. Right now I am just waiting for them both to poop before we go. Gotta love that. I've been thinking about it for a good 24 hours. A trip to Target sans hubby. I can buy all those non-essentials that look so cool on the TV ads without a little birdy whispering in my ear about not spending money, blah, blah...
I got a call from said Husband last evening. Seems he is having a swell time in LA. He met some guy who wrote all the music for the new Halo game. He asked him for his reel and told him that he was looking for some more composers. Husband is a good networker. He always seems to do well at those things.
Today I am supposed to have my first professional piece published by MediaPost. If you subscribe to any of their gajillion eNewsletters you just may see my name today.
I remembered to give the cat his pill this morning.
If you ask me, I think I have accomplished quite a bit today already. Now if only I could convince the boys that it would be very OK to let mama take a nap - she has earned it! Somehow I don't think that one will go over very well. I have difficulty convincing them that it is OK for THEM to take naps....ah well. The daily marathon continues.
The boys just put on their Halloween costumes and are playing together as a puppy and a lion...
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Post #1
OK. Peer pressure. I never could resist it.
I am not going to commit to anything as organized as Josette's NaBloPo schedule - but I will do my best to write something every day this month. Try. Last year I didn't even come close. But this year they have my picture here so I feel like I sort of HAVE to do it....
Hubby is in LA at a music-writing conference. I am on three days of PTO from work so that I may stay home with my wee lads while daddy is away. I get them solo for the weekend too, so it is me and the boys for five days. I am thinking they might like the mall.
Sister is living with us, for those of you who might not know. She has converted our basement into an adorable little studio apartment. It is working out quite well as now we have a third set of grown up hands around the house and that's a big help.
Baby Waylon is sick with a nasty cold. Last night when I checked in on him there was a stream of snot from his nose to the crib mattress where it joined it's brethren in a puddle of ick. Poor kid. And lucky for his brother they eat the same books and drink our of the same cups and chew each other's fingers. Only a very slight chance Vladimir may catch it from him.
Halloween - wasn't as fun as last year. Our neighborhood last year was so overrun with minivans dumping kids at the end of the street that it was impossible to drive down the block. This year, we all kept our lights out and hid from the goulies and ghosties. Ba-humbug.
Hope you all enjoyed your fright night. I am thinking next year will be much better for us because the boys will "get it". This year they just sort of stood in their costumes looking confused.

Ah yes, lest I forget. Today is our 9th Wedding Anniversary. Wow.
I am not going to commit to anything as organized as Josette's NaBloPo schedule - but I will do my best to write something every day this month. Try. Last year I didn't even come close. But this year they have my picture here so I feel like I sort of HAVE to do it....
Hubby is in LA at a music-writing conference. I am on three days of PTO from work so that I may stay home with my wee lads while daddy is away. I get them solo for the weekend too, so it is me and the boys for five days. I am thinking they might like the mall.
Sister is living with us, for those of you who might not know. She has converted our basement into an adorable little studio apartment. It is working out quite well as now we have a third set of grown up hands around the house and that's a big help.
Baby Waylon is sick with a nasty cold. Last night when I checked in on him there was a stream of snot from his nose to the crib mattress where it joined it's brethren in a puddle of ick. Poor kid. And lucky for his brother they eat the same books and drink our of the same cups and chew each other's fingers. Only a very slight chance Vladimir may catch it from him.
Halloween - wasn't as fun as last year. Our neighborhood last year was so overrun with minivans dumping kids at the end of the street that it was impossible to drive down the block. This year, we all kept our lights out and hid from the goulies and ghosties. Ba-humbug.
Hope you all enjoyed your fright night. I am thinking next year will be much better for us because the boys will "get it". This year they just sort of stood in their costumes looking confused.

Ah yes, lest I forget. Today is our 9th Wedding Anniversary. Wow.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Bumbo Seat Recall
Oh my GOD! I talked about this Bumbo Seat on this and my other blog. If you bought it please read the warning and BE CAREFUL! Babies have actually cracked their skulls....terrifying.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sometimes it Doesn't Suck...
Yes, I made it home from Saint Louis and we took the boys to the doctor and then to the hospital for a second blood test to check their lead levels. It was so terrible. The little guys each sat on my lap, one at a time, while the phlebotomist put the rubber band around their bicept and then drew blood from their little arm. Wailling ensued.
Almost three weeks, several calls to the state and city Departments of Health, a couple of lead test kits from Home Depot and many emails and phone calls of advice from friends and family later and the test results are back and the lead levels are NORMAL.
Original levels:
Vladimir 20
Waylon 15
Second test levels:
Vladimir 4
Waylon 5
So now we can rest easy. We are still giving them the vitamin supplement with Iron and cleaning the house from top to bottom while pumping the boys full of OJ, but we can be at ease knowing that their lead exposure was very limited and short-lived. Horray!
Life is good - nothing else really matters but the well-being of the boys, and that's the truth.
Almost three weeks, several calls to the state and city Departments of Health, a couple of lead test kits from Home Depot and many emails and phone calls of advice from friends and family later and the test results are back and the lead levels are NORMAL.
Original levels:
Vladimir 20
Waylon 15
Second test levels:
Vladimir 4
Waylon 5
So now we can rest easy. We are still giving them the vitamin supplement with Iron and cleaning the house from top to bottom while pumping the boys full of OJ, but we can be at ease knowing that their lead exposure was very limited and short-lived. Horray!
Life is good - nothing else really matters but the well-being of the boys, and that's the truth.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Sometimes it Sucks
So, I know I just wrote about how things are great and all that. Well, I should have known better than to tempt the "gods" or whatever.
Hello, I am writing to you from the Crowne Plaze hotel in Saint Louis, MO. I spent the night being entertained by a creepy troll-like magician and "networking" with a slew of cool media and agency types in a really cool location, the Transportation Museum in STL. The place was very cool. I was with my boss and our company's CEO.
Backing up to this afternoon, I sit in an office with my client and their legal compliance person discussing a contract with a potential vendor. The fire alarm rings and we are shuffled out of the building with the other 2,000 employees of the world's largest car rental company.
We get back into the office and I get a call from hubby. He is calling from my sister's phone because he is on the other line with the boys' pediatrician. When the boys went in for their one year check up they took blood. The results came back and apparently the boys have "high" lead levels in their blood. I ask "What does that mean". He doesn't know. So they say we HAVE to bring them back in the next day (tomorrow) for additional testing for lead and "some other things". I ask WHAT OTHER THINGS?
He doesn't know.
Are my boys going to be developmentally delayed?
Doesn't lead paint cause retardation?
So I sit here in the hotel counting the minutes until I can get on the plane anc fly back to Laguardia and then get in the car to take me back to HOME. I anticipate getting home aroun lunchtime and then we take the boys to their doctor at 3:00. This is torture - for me.
Could this be related to any of the China-made toys? Is it our old house? or hosues? Is it from the window replacement construction we recently completed which released century-old paint and dust into our home air? I don't know. But I do know that if they do have dangerous levels of lead in their blood we will likely put the house on the market and buy a brand spanking new house with ZERO lead paint.
Please pray for us or whatever. And please send me some good vibes so I can cope with this. I realize that this is the benchmark for how I may deal with problems they may face throughout their lives. I have to be OK with this and trust the doctors and the tests. I know this. It is just so hard because I am not there to hug them.
Hello, I am writing to you from the Crowne Plaze hotel in Saint Louis, MO. I spent the night being entertained by a creepy troll-like magician and "networking" with a slew of cool media and agency types in a really cool location, the Transportation Museum in STL. The place was very cool. I was with my boss and our company's CEO.
Backing up to this afternoon, I sit in an office with my client and their legal compliance person discussing a contract with a potential vendor. The fire alarm rings and we are shuffled out of the building with the other 2,000 employees of the world's largest car rental company.
We get back into the office and I get a call from hubby. He is calling from my sister's phone because he is on the other line with the boys' pediatrician. When the boys went in for their one year check up they took blood. The results came back and apparently the boys have "high" lead levels in their blood. I ask "What does that mean". He doesn't know. So they say we HAVE to bring them back in the next day (tomorrow) for additional testing for lead and "some other things". I ask WHAT OTHER THINGS?
He doesn't know.
Are my boys going to be developmentally delayed?
Doesn't lead paint cause retardation?
So I sit here in the hotel counting the minutes until I can get on the plane anc fly back to Laguardia and then get in the car to take me back to HOME. I anticipate getting home aroun lunchtime and then we take the boys to their doctor at 3:00. This is torture - for me.
Could this be related to any of the China-made toys? Is it our old house? or hosues? Is it from the window replacement construction we recently completed which released century-old paint and dust into our home air? I don't know. But I do know that if they do have dangerous levels of lead in their blood we will likely put the house on the market and buy a brand spanking new house with ZERO lead paint.
Please pray for us or whatever. And please send me some good vibes so I can cope with this. I realize that this is the benchmark for how I may deal with problems they may face throughout their lives. I have to be OK with this and trust the doctors and the tests. I know this. It is just so hard because I am not there to hug them.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Long, long honkin' time
Yes, I know. I am sorry. It's been too long. I have not called. I have disappeared off the face of the Earth. But I did manage to get my boys and myself and my hubby through one full year. Yay! Now I am ready for a nap or a stiff drink. Or a nap AND a stiff drink (not necessarily in that order). Maybe even a smoke. That would be a cigarette, not the other "bad" kind of smoke. But as I have been warned by my ever-loving mother "she will tell my boys what a good mother I was" as I lay dieing from smoking a cigarette at my cousins wedding. *sigh* life is hard, ain't it?
But really, it's not. It's just dandy. I am only positive about where we've been and where we go from here. I do feel like I spent the past year living in somebody else's brain, not to mention somebody else's body. Now I am very relieved to report that both seem to be on their way back to me, their rightful owner. We seem to have successfully exorcised those foreigners from our being. Phew! Now we just need to be very, very careful that the renewed me doesn't go and get herself knocked up again....that would be falling backwards wouldn't it?
But really. The front walk was finished. Ernie did a great job. Now there are three other homes in our little Hubbard Heights neighborhood who are building strangely similar walkways...he started something. Too bad he couldn't have gotten something for his backache.
So, I'm watching Singing Bee - best show EVER. Those of you who know me know that I woudl totally go home with that trophy. Oh yeah. It would look awesome on my mantel too.
But I digress. I think.
So my kids are one. My job is killer. I am getting recruiter left and right from the likes of Google, Starwood Hotels, Avenue A, it is sick! Former clients are contacting me about doing consulting work. I am HOT! And loving it too. But really, I have a great gig where I am and it just isn't the right time for me to explore too many other options. But mama ain't stupid either. I'll just say that I listen to whatever they have to say, even if it is with mouth agape. All of a sudden everyone wants me, two young adorable boys, a grown man who shares my home, my boss, my client, GOOGLE (yes, the Google), and others who would mean less to those of you who aren't obsessed with the world of search engine marketing and interactive mumbo jumbo. Please don't take this as bragging. I'm really not. I am simply sharing with you all my amazement at how uncannily ironic life is. Remember about a year or so ago when I had no job and was 5 months preggers with twins and FREAKIN the F**K out!? Well, here is karma in effect. Believe.....
So, of course there are more than a million pics to post for y'all to share in the joys of the Adzentoivich summer. Many of you were there. There were so many "events" these past three or four months. Weird. The next thing the hubby and I are looking forward to is seeing Bob Dillon and Elivs Costello in Bridgeport, yes B'port. What we CTers used to refer lovingly to as "the armpit of Fairfield County" - nice, I know. But now there is this new stadium venue there and all of these great acts come to the 'port. So we're going. We have a few baby sitters now - one being my sister who recently relocated from the West Coast to our basement. And the other being this lovely Peruvian girl I found on Craigs List - I've been meaning to thank Craig. Thanks!
OK - husband and sister have just returned from their various lucrative ventures. Time for me to take my leave and enjoy a gin and tonic.
Look again soon for pics. I've missed you so.
But really, it's not. It's just dandy. I am only positive about where we've been and where we go from here. I do feel like I spent the past year living in somebody else's brain, not to mention somebody else's body. Now I am very relieved to report that both seem to be on their way back to me, their rightful owner. We seem to have successfully exorcised those foreigners from our being. Phew! Now we just need to be very, very careful that the renewed me doesn't go and get herself knocked up again....that would be falling backwards wouldn't it?
But really. The front walk was finished. Ernie did a great job. Now there are three other homes in our little Hubbard Heights neighborhood who are building strangely similar walkways...he started something. Too bad he couldn't have gotten something for his backache.
So, I'm watching Singing Bee - best show EVER. Those of you who know me know that I woudl totally go home with that trophy. Oh yeah. It would look awesome on my mantel too.
But I digress. I think.
So my kids are one. My job is killer. I am getting recruiter left and right from the likes of Google, Starwood Hotels, Avenue A, it is sick! Former clients are contacting me about doing consulting work. I am HOT! And loving it too. But really, I have a great gig where I am and it just isn't the right time for me to explore too many other options. But mama ain't stupid either. I'll just say that I listen to whatever they have to say, even if it is with mouth agape. All of a sudden everyone wants me, two young adorable boys, a grown man who shares my home, my boss, my client, GOOGLE (yes, the Google), and others who would mean less to those of you who aren't obsessed with the world of search engine marketing and interactive mumbo jumbo. Please don't take this as bragging. I'm really not. I am simply sharing with you all my amazement at how uncannily ironic life is. Remember about a year or so ago when I had no job and was 5 months preggers with twins and FREAKIN the F**K out!? Well, here is karma in effect. Believe.....
So, of course there are more than a million pics to post for y'all to share in the joys of the Adzentoivich summer. Many of you were there. There were so many "events" these past three or four months. Weird. The next thing the hubby and I are looking forward to is seeing Bob Dillon and Elivs Costello in Bridgeport, yes B'port. What we CTers used to refer lovingly to as "the armpit of Fairfield County" - nice, I know. But now there is this new stadium venue there and all of these great acts come to the 'port. So we're going. We have a few baby sitters now - one being my sister who recently relocated from the West Coast to our basement. And the other being this lovely Peruvian girl I found on Craigs List - I've been meaning to thank Craig. Thanks!
OK - husband and sister have just returned from their various lucrative ventures. Time for me to take my leave and enjoy a gin and tonic.
Look again soon for pics. I've missed you so.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Ernie Joins the Brotherhood of Masons
No, not the Freemasons. That would be too cool.
The actual hands, on, stone-working masons. In all of his spare time, he has undertaken the huge project of rebuilding our front walkway. Not only is he rebuilding it, he is laying blue stone bordered by belgium block. AND he is adding a side walkway and a flowerbed.
He is Superdad.
Stay tuned for pics of the finished product!

The actual hands, on, stone-working masons. In all of his spare time, he has undertaken the huge project of rebuilding our front walkway. Not only is he rebuilding it, he is laying blue stone bordered by belgium block. AND he is adding a side walkway and a flowerbed.
He is Superdad.
Stay tuned for pics of the finished product!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Sunday, April 01, 2007
The Inevitability of it All
What is "all"? You may ask. Well. ALL. Everything. Life.
I always thought that people said that once you had kids you felt young again. That you suddenly saw the world through their eyes. That everything seemed possible.
Something must be wrong with me. Really. Depression? Obsession? Neurosis? Paranoia? Pessimism? Psychosis? All of the above? Probably. Or at least a combo platter of a few.
When the boys were first born (7 months and one week ago) I was overjoyed. I was awestruck by them and the fact that I actually GREW two people inside myself (me?). I was intimidated by the smallness and tenacity of them.
And I was tired.
And I am still tired.
And now I am fat, too. (you, know - the breast feeding it let's you eat A LOT. No more breast feed - no more instant fat burnie uppie.). And tired.
I have become accustomed to the exhaustion. I never thought I could but somehow it just happens. You wake up one morning and feel really awesome because you had 6 hours of sleep. 7am is sleeping in. And somehow it is all OK. You go on. You make it to the office, work until 6 or 7 and then come home, do baby stuff, go to sleep and then do it all again. It just works itself out. I suppose it has to really. Life goes on, as the saying goes. And you just sort of ride the tide the best you can.
So my problem comes from the extreme proximity I feel to my own mortality. Before the boys were born I understood that life comes to an end, we all die, etc. I am well-read in the writings of the Dali Lama, the Apostles, and Lao Tzu (or whoever wrote the Tao, I am having such a stupid moment right now, can't think). I am acquainted with the philosophers, Shakespeare, all of the great thinkers. I even studied Metaphysics. I understand the Universal. Though I wasn't necessarily convinced that God existed in the Catholic sense, or if there was a Heaven and a Hell - I was OK with the idea that one day we would all be gone from this life. I was OK with that.
Now - well, all I can think of is that I will die, Ernie will die. We will leave our boys in the world alone. Our deaths will be painful to them. My parents will die and leave their grandkids - I know how badly it hurt me when my grandfather passed away, it still hurts. And the idea that my boys will die is too much for me to take. My heart explodes a little bit and I get dizzy just aknowledging the fact. Even if they live to be 100 - they will still die. And I don't think that is OK. I know they will suffer throughout their lives. And THAT IS NOT OK! I think I am going to throw up now.
I don't understand how people can say that when you become a parent you see the world through your children's eyes, blah, blah, blah.
Does my issue stem from too much exposure to The Cure and Morrisey in my youth? Did I OD on Marilyn Manson in the 90s? I am usually such an optimistic person.
I don't know how or when I will ever get past this. I expected to worry. Parents always worry about their kids. But my thought process is absurd. I am worried about their life leading up to their inevitable death.
Don't get me wrong. I also think about things like taking them to the farm in the summer. Teaching them to swim and to ride a bike. Going to see them in the game, or the school play. Watching them take their first steps.....
But then I read these assinine books telling me things like:
I have decided to stop reading all of the books. It is not helping my mental state.
Does anyone have any positive advice on how to introduce solid foods to your 7 month old? Any ideas on how to keep a child alive past his first birthday while still having clean clothes and a mold-free bathtub?
I guess a dirty house is inevitable too.
My neurosis aside, my boys are doing very well in spite of me. They are very large. At their 6 month Dr's appointment the pediatrician said "They are perfectly average - for NINE month olds!" Thank god.
I always thought that people said that once you had kids you felt young again. That you suddenly saw the world through their eyes. That everything seemed possible.
Something must be wrong with me. Really. Depression? Obsession? Neurosis? Paranoia? Pessimism? Psychosis? All of the above? Probably. Or at least a combo platter of a few.
When the boys were first born (7 months and one week ago) I was overjoyed. I was awestruck by them and the fact that I actually GREW two people inside myself (me?). I was intimidated by the smallness and tenacity of them.
And I was tired.
And I am still tired.
And now I am fat, too. (you, know - the breast feeding it let's you eat A LOT. No more breast feed - no more instant fat burnie uppie.). And tired.
I have become accustomed to the exhaustion. I never thought I could but somehow it just happens. You wake up one morning and feel really awesome because you had 6 hours of sleep. 7am is sleeping in. And somehow it is all OK. You go on. You make it to the office, work until 6 or 7 and then come home, do baby stuff, go to sleep and then do it all again. It just works itself out. I suppose it has to really. Life goes on, as the saying goes. And you just sort of ride the tide the best you can.
So my problem comes from the extreme proximity I feel to my own mortality. Before the boys were born I understood that life comes to an end, we all die, etc. I am well-read in the writings of the Dali Lama, the Apostles, and Lao Tzu (or whoever wrote the Tao, I am having such a stupid moment right now, can't think). I am acquainted with the philosophers, Shakespeare, all of the great thinkers. I even studied Metaphysics. I understand the Universal. Though I wasn't necessarily convinced that God existed in the Catholic sense, or if there was a Heaven and a Hell - I was OK with the idea that one day we would all be gone from this life. I was OK with that.
Now - well, all I can think of is that I will die, Ernie will die. We will leave our boys in the world alone. Our deaths will be painful to them. My parents will die and leave their grandkids - I know how badly it hurt me when my grandfather passed away, it still hurts. And the idea that my boys will die is too much for me to take. My heart explodes a little bit and I get dizzy just aknowledging the fact. Even if they live to be 100 - they will still die. And I don't think that is OK. I know they will suffer throughout their lives. And THAT IS NOT OK! I think I am going to throw up now.
I don't understand how people can say that when you become a parent you see the world through your children's eyes, blah, blah, blah.
Does my issue stem from too much exposure to The Cure and Morrisey in my youth? Did I OD on Marilyn Manson in the 90s? I am usually such an optimistic person.
I don't know how or when I will ever get past this. I expected to worry. Parents always worry about their kids. But my thought process is absurd. I am worried about their life leading up to their inevitable death.
Don't get me wrong. I also think about things like taking them to the farm in the summer. Teaching them to swim and to ride a bike. Going to see them in the game, or the school play. Watching them take their first steps.....
But then I read these assinine books telling me things like:
- any food you give your 7 month old has the distinct probability of choking him to death
- don't ever leave your baby in his high chair for five minutes while you prepare his breakfast in the next room - he will surely get the strap wrapped around his neck and suffocate to death
- do not, in any circumstance, wash your child's clothing or dinnerware in detergent! And NEVER EVER use bleach in your home if children are living there. The mere presence of these things will surely cause your child's skin to blister and he will undoubtably be blinded for life. Instead, clean everything you own with Vinegar
- always keep your child facing backwards in his car seat. Even if this means that your child will have to bend his legs and do leg presses against the back of the seat while riding in the car.
- give your 7 month old finger foods, such as peices of fresh fruits like pears. And in no circumstances should you feed your 7 month old fresh slices of slippery fruits, such as pear, or it will certainly slide down his windpipe and kill him at the lunch table
- the 7 month old's diet should be primarily breast milk, or formula (milk-based), but do not give your child dairy products such as yogurt, milk or cheese until after 1 year of age or a severe allergic reaction may occur resulting in death
I have decided to stop reading all of the books. It is not helping my mental state.
Does anyone have any positive advice on how to introduce solid foods to your 7 month old? Any ideas on how to keep a child alive past his first birthday while still having clean clothes and a mold-free bathtub?
I guess a dirty house is inevitable too.
My neurosis aside, my boys are doing very well in spite of me. They are very large. At their 6 month Dr's appointment the pediatrician said "They are perfectly average - for NINE month olds!" Thank god.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Need to Install A Child Safety Seat?
Check out this nifty web site that will tell you how.
There are also certified persons in most states who will install your car seats free of charge. In Fairfield County CT there are a few firemen in the Stamford/Greenwich area who are certified to do this and they hold clinics a couple of times per month. We were shocked when we had them install the infant seats in our Hyundai when the boys were little. It was incredible to see the lengths they went to in order to make sure those stinking bases stayed in place on the back seat. Picture large fireman type kneeling on top of the car seat base in the tiny backseat of our Hyundai hatchback while fireman type number 2 snaked around him to insert the seatbelt buckle into the recepticle. We were never able to replicate it.
There are also certified persons in most states who will install your car seats free of charge. In Fairfield County CT there are a few firemen in the Stamford/Greenwich area who are certified to do this and they hold clinics a couple of times per month. We were shocked when we had them install the infant seats in our Hyundai when the boys were little. It was incredible to see the lengths they went to in order to make sure those stinking bases stayed in place on the back seat. Picture large fireman type kneeling on top of the car seat base in the tiny backseat of our Hyundai hatchback while fireman type number 2 snaked around him to insert the seatbelt buckle into the recepticle. We were never able to replicate it.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Nobody Builds an Aqueduct Anymore
I am sitting here thinking about the great civilizations and my degree in Art History. I am thinking - wow, we sort of suck. I mean our generation created the internet. And that is pretty cool. But does it really have the same impact as The Aqueduct?
Have you ever played Civilization (or Civ, as we call it around here)? I mean, once you build an aqueduct your civilization grows. They are enabled to create agriculture and hospitals. Everything becomes more hygenic, waste management emerges. All possible because someone figured out how to transport water from a place with plenty to a place in need.
Such a simple idea to affect so many throughout many, many generations.
Does anyone do that anymore? I know I don't. Sure, the internet is civilization-changing but not on the same level. It doesn't allow people to live longer or better. It really is just another medium for commerce and information. It isn't a necessity for better living or better health.
Conversly, it may actually have a detrimental affect on your health if you spend too much time with it.
This may be a stupid post. I know. It has been so long since I posted anything and there have been oh so many thoughts in my head of late. So you will have to humor me. Or just skim.
Have you ever played Civilization (or Civ, as we call it around here)? I mean, once you build an aqueduct your civilization grows. They are enabled to create agriculture and hospitals. Everything becomes more hygenic, waste management emerges. All possible because someone figured out how to transport water from a place with plenty to a place in need.
Such a simple idea to affect so many throughout many, many generations.
Does anyone do that anymore? I know I don't. Sure, the internet is civilization-changing but not on the same level. It doesn't allow people to live longer or better. It really is just another medium for commerce and information. It isn't a necessity for better living or better health.
Conversly, it may actually have a detrimental affect on your health if you spend too much time with it.
This may be a stupid post. I know. It has been so long since I posted anything and there have been oh so many thoughts in my head of late. So you will have to humor me. Or just skim.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Call Child Services
I guess I am really the worst mother ever. Really. So call. Now.
Here I am. Late in the evening....
My darling husband has decided today was a good day to drive out to our place in Pennsylvania and get out car inspected (cuz, you know, all of our cars are registered there. Don't tell Jodi Rell - she's the Governor of CT, I think) and check on our place. Last month our electric bill was double...even though we haven't been there and the heat and water, etc. have all been shut off since the fall. We think, might we have squatters? Hmmmm....hoping I don't get a call telling me that hubby T'C are in the midst of confrontation with scary ATV-type folk (what does that mean, anyway?).
So Ernie is in PA. Today it was me and my boys. My cousin and her daughter and her friend came over for a visit. It was nice to pull my head out of the 15 year old Champion-sweatshirt-and-running-pants (Running pants? Nobody around here doing any running) day and speak with adults. They came and left, and the boys and I enjoyed a few hours of screaming before dinner.
Dinner was a bust. Only one boy decided to eat. The other one just figured he'd continue to scream. It felt good for him. Not so good for me.
So then I made the executive decision that there would be no bath tonight. For anyone. The boys seemed fine with that. In my defense, it is difficult enough to coordinate a double bath when there are two adults in the house, but when it is just me - and it has been just me all day - it is darn near impossible. So I surrendered.
Then we all went upstairs and I filled the humidifier (which hasn't been cleaned in about a month) and emptied the diaper pail. Then I changed each boy into pajamas and cleaned their faces and bottoms with a wash cloth. I attempted to give Baby A a bottle but alas, he was still not hungry. So to bed he goes with no dinner, no bath and no bottle.
Then Baby B has a swig of the bottle and takes only 3 ounces. This is a kid who typically takes 8 ounces in a shot. But 3 it was and I couldn't argue. He proceeded to fall asleep. OK.
Each is in his crib with the dirty water spewing hot mist from the humidifier. I stealthily grab the baby scissors and cut each of their 20 fingernails while they lay asleep. Ahhhh I win this battle!
Once asleep, and after doing the laundry and dishes and preparing the baby food meals for morning and emptying all garbage pails....I have a giant chocolate chip cookie for dinner and grab my laptop and head upstairs.
I check the boys and they are fast asleep. Their Rock a Bye Baby CD playing softly in their room.
So I creap back downstairs and grab a bottle of wine. Ahhh... the thought of a night to myself drinking wine and catching up on my blog reading. What decadence. And what a bad mommy. I am alone with the kiddies (and the kitties) and I am enjoying a glass or two (or three or five) of wine. C'est Teribile!
But that is the truth. I even feel like sneaking out back to have a cigarette. What will ever become of my children?
Oh, did I mention that while imbibing and indulging in the blogosphere I am watching The History of Sex on The History Channel (actually, I only caught the last 10 minutes of it. Now it is all about the Visigoths and the Roman Empire - seems like the same thing to me)?
I tell you, I am an abhoration!!! (is that a word? It must be the wine talking now...)
Here I am. Late in the evening....
My darling husband has decided today was a good day to drive out to our place in Pennsylvania and get out car inspected (cuz, you know, all of our cars are registered there. Don't tell Jodi Rell - she's the Governor of CT, I think) and check on our place. Last month our electric bill was double...even though we haven't been there and the heat and water, etc. have all been shut off since the fall. We think, might we have squatters? Hmmmm....hoping I don't get a call telling me that hubby T'C are in the midst of confrontation with scary ATV-type folk (what does that mean, anyway?).
So Ernie is in PA. Today it was me and my boys. My cousin and her daughter and her friend came over for a visit. It was nice to pull my head out of the 15 year old Champion-sweatshirt-and-running-pants (Running pants? Nobody around here doing any running) day and speak with adults. They came and left, and the boys and I enjoyed a few hours of screaming before dinner.
Dinner was a bust. Only one boy decided to eat. The other one just figured he'd continue to scream. It felt good for him. Not so good for me.
So then I made the executive decision that there would be no bath tonight. For anyone. The boys seemed fine with that. In my defense, it is difficult enough to coordinate a double bath when there are two adults in the house, but when it is just me - and it has been just me all day - it is darn near impossible. So I surrendered.
Then we all went upstairs and I filled the humidifier (which hasn't been cleaned in about a month) and emptied the diaper pail. Then I changed each boy into pajamas and cleaned their faces and bottoms with a wash cloth. I attempted to give Baby A a bottle but alas, he was still not hungry. So to bed he goes with no dinner, no bath and no bottle.
Then Baby B has a swig of the bottle and takes only 3 ounces. This is a kid who typically takes 8 ounces in a shot. But 3 it was and I couldn't argue. He proceeded to fall asleep. OK.
Each is in his crib with the dirty water spewing hot mist from the humidifier. I stealthily grab the baby scissors and cut each of their 20 fingernails while they lay asleep. Ahhhh I win this battle!
Once asleep, and after doing the laundry and dishes and preparing the baby food meals for morning and emptying all garbage pails....I have a giant chocolate chip cookie for dinner and grab my laptop and head upstairs.
I check the boys and they are fast asleep. Their Rock a Bye Baby CD playing softly in their room.
So I creap back downstairs and grab a bottle of wine. Ahhh... the thought of a night to myself drinking wine and catching up on my blog reading. What decadence. And what a bad mommy. I am alone with the kiddies (and the kitties) and I am enjoying a glass or two (or three or five) of wine. C'est Teribile!
But that is the truth. I even feel like sneaking out back to have a cigarette. What will ever become of my children?
Oh, did I mention that while imbibing and indulging in the blogosphere I am watching The History of Sex on The History Channel (actually, I only caught the last 10 minutes of it. Now it is all about the Visigoths and the Roman Empire - seems like the same thing to me)?
I tell you, I am an abhoration!!! (is that a word? It must be the wine talking now...)
Friday, March 09, 2007
Bye, Bye Will!
Adios Will (AKA The Well-Groomed Head)! My boss is leaving me. He is going to the "Gateway to the West" to work for the competition. Best of luck to you - and DON"T STEAL MY CLIENTS!!!!!
Just teasing. Good luck. Thanks for sticking by me during all of the crazy baby-ness. You have been extremely cool to work with/for and now everyone knows it. :-)
Just teasing. Good luck. Thanks for sticking by me during all of the crazy baby-ness. You have been extremely cool to work with/for and now everyone knows it. :-)
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Car Seat Photos
New Car Seat(s)
The boys have outgrown their little Graco infant car seats/carries. Remember these?
Well, they are now past both the height and weight limits. I can't believe they have grown so quickly. I mean, everyone says that "they grow so fast!" but you don't understand what that means until you see it for yourself.
So I did my research and found that this seat has an excellent safety rating, and also a good ease of use rating, yet falls in the mid-range of price. Believe me when I say that I was almost swayed by the pretty Brittax convertible car seat, even with it's $250 price tag. But I resisted and did my research using my trusty Consumer Reports Best Baby Products book (see link below), and found that this seat was indeed better and cheaper. Who would have guessed?
So we now have our two new car seats strapped tightly into our new minivan. We have to call the Greenwich Fire Department to find out when the certified car seat installers are on duty. There are only two of them in thr county and they are both stationed in Greenwich. We had them install the bases of our Graco seats when the boys were newborns and could not believe how tighly they were able to get them in. We have tried to replicate the results but to no avail.
So I did my research and found that this seat has an excellent safety rating, and also a good ease of use rating, yet falls in the mid-range of price. Believe me when I say that I was almost swayed by the pretty Brittax convertible car seat, even with it's $250 price tag. But I resisted and did my research using my trusty Consumer Reports Best Baby Products book (see link below), and found that this seat was indeed better and cheaper. Who would have guessed?
So we now have our two new car seats strapped tightly into our new minivan. We have to call the Greenwich Fire Department to find out when the certified car seat installers are on duty. There are only two of them in thr county and they are both stationed in Greenwich. We had them install the bases of our Graco seats when the boys were newborns and could not believe how tighly they were able to get them in. We have tried to replicate the results but to no avail.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
I have crossed the line...
...and bought a minivan
Oh yeah...ain't she sweet?
I am ordering an undercarriage neon lighting package from my local too-fast, too-furious dealer (oh yeah, that might actually be my dad - Specialty Automotive. If you don't know, don't ask...). Notice the hot after-market tinted windows? How about the slick Mopar fin at the top of the hatch door? So smokin'. Umm, umm, umm. Watch out.
So, I am a true suburban mom. So much for strolling through Union Square with my babies. Or walking around the Grand Army Plaza Farmer's Market on a Saturday morning buying fresh Fontina. Instead I will drive my babies in the minivan to the mall and change them in the changing room at Macy's. Just doesn't have the same ring to it.
But please don't get me wrong. I am not complaining. Yes, we are extremely fortunate to be able to live where we do in a house that is big enough for two boys, two cats and a dad who must have one bedroom serve as a recording and composition studio. Yes, I know. I also have three vehicles sitting in my driveway, even is one is a minivan and one is a Hyundai (and the other is a monster truck Ford f150). I do realize and appreciate all that we have. It is just that it is such a dichotomy. I mean, who am I? I really don't even recognize myself. I am stalking Craigslist for baby sitters instead of for apartments, concert tickets or whatever else that sounds cool.
Geesh. I guess maybe I am having some sort of mid-life crisis, though I'd like to think I am only at 1/3-life. Or whatever.
I think I am just a complainer. God, please don't ask my husband to confirm this because he will heartily go off for about 4 hours with examples of how this is true while he toasts you with the very expensive scotch he saves for special occasions, such as when he is right and I am proven incredibly wrong. But honestly, I see an injustice or imbalance in the world, whether mine or someone else's, and I feel I must point it out and share it with everyone around me. Regardless of how annoying that may be.
So, work has been great. I have a new boss who is very cool. A woman who is top of our field. I finally have a mentor. I went on my first business trip since entering motherhood. I spend the night in St Louis last week. It was supposed to be two nights but my original flight ended up being a free tour of the 5 Boroughs of Manhattan. We took off from Westchester County airport and never got above 5,000 feet. They could not get the cabin pressure to adjust. So we flew around in circles above Manhattan for two hours burning off fuel so we could land back at Westchester County airport. Did I mention that this was in a 40 seat plane? I mean it was tiny. I got to see Times Square from a $1,500 vantage point. I am serious when I say we were so low that I could read the signs.
So I ended up spending that night in my own bed and flying out very early the next morning. I went to meetings and to a grown up dinner. I even got to wear a suit. That night I slept like a dead person in a bed made of heavenly clouds and pillow of the finest down (it was the Ritz, afterall), not stirring until 6:30am, when I was awakened by the phone and a knock on my door offering me the morning paper and a carafe of coffee. Bliss.
But I did miss my boys and high-tailed it out of there to get home by 10pm that evening. I think it was a successful trip. My next one is planned for this week but will be out and back on the same day. Hard on mom but easy on the kids.
So you might infer from all of this that the whole "Being a mom to twins has made me an insane zombie" thing has grown old. And you would be correct. I can happily say that it has all become 1,000,000,000% easier than it was the first 4 months. I never, even want to relive those months. Really. We are all much happier now. The husband/wife thing is a bit strained, but the mom/dad/kid thing is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better. Wow. I never thought it would feel like such a turn around in what seems like such a short period of time. All of the suckiness is gone.
If you wonder why there have been little to no blog posts I will have to blame it on my work. Since going back to the office full time I have been transitioned onto our biggest account as the lead account manager. It has been hectic but rewarding.
I must now run off to the train station to pick up Ernie who was in the City playing with the Brooklyn Youth Chorus in the Museum of Natural History togniht. But don't worry, my mother in law is sleeping upstairs. I am not leaving the boys alone. She goes back to Vegas tomorrow - then we'll see if I still think things are so much easier.
Until then, keep on riding dirty my friends.
I am ordering an undercarriage neon lighting package from my local too-fast, too-furious dealer (oh yeah, that might actually be my dad - Specialty Automotive. If you don't know, don't ask...). Notice the hot after-market tinted windows? How about the slick Mopar fin at the top of the hatch door? So smokin'. Umm, umm, umm. Watch out.
So, I am a true suburban mom. So much for strolling through Union Square with my babies. Or walking around the Grand Army Plaza Farmer's Market on a Saturday morning buying fresh Fontina. Instead I will drive my babies in the minivan to the mall and change them in the changing room at Macy's. Just doesn't have the same ring to it.
But please don't get me wrong. I am not complaining. Yes, we are extremely fortunate to be able to live where we do in a house that is big enough for two boys, two cats and a dad who must have one bedroom serve as a recording and composition studio. Yes, I know. I also have three vehicles sitting in my driveway, even is one is a minivan and one is a Hyundai (and the other is a monster truck Ford f150). I do realize and appreciate all that we have. It is just that it is such a dichotomy. I mean, who am I? I really don't even recognize myself. I am stalking Craigslist for baby sitters instead of for apartments, concert tickets or whatever else that sounds cool.
Geesh. I guess maybe I am having some sort of mid-life crisis, though I'd like to think I am only at 1/3-life. Or whatever.
I think I am just a complainer. God, please don't ask my husband to confirm this because he will heartily go off for about 4 hours with examples of how this is true while he toasts you with the very expensive scotch he saves for special occasions, such as when he is right and I am proven incredibly wrong. But honestly, I see an injustice or imbalance in the world, whether mine or someone else's, and I feel I must point it out and share it with everyone around me. Regardless of how annoying that may be.
So, work has been great. I have a new boss who is very cool. A woman who is top of our field. I finally have a mentor. I went on my first business trip since entering motherhood. I spend the night in St Louis last week. It was supposed to be two nights but my original flight ended up being a free tour of the 5 Boroughs of Manhattan. We took off from Westchester County airport and never got above 5,000 feet. They could not get the cabin pressure to adjust. So we flew around in circles above Manhattan for two hours burning off fuel so we could land back at Westchester County airport. Did I mention that this was in a 40 seat plane? I mean it was tiny. I got to see Times Square from a $1,500 vantage point. I am serious when I say we were so low that I could read the signs.
So I ended up spending that night in my own bed and flying out very early the next morning. I went to meetings and to a grown up dinner. I even got to wear a suit. That night I slept like a dead person in a bed made of heavenly clouds and pillow of the finest down (it was the Ritz, afterall), not stirring until 6:30am, when I was awakened by the phone and a knock on my door offering me the morning paper and a carafe of coffee. Bliss.
But I did miss my boys and high-tailed it out of there to get home by 10pm that evening. I think it was a successful trip. My next one is planned for this week but will be out and back on the same day. Hard on mom but easy on the kids.
So you might infer from all of this that the whole "Being a mom to twins has made me an insane zombie" thing has grown old. And you would be correct. I can happily say that it has all become 1,000,000,000% easier than it was the first 4 months. I never, even want to relive those months. Really. We are all much happier now. The husband/wife thing is a bit strained, but the mom/dad/kid thing is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better. Wow. I never thought it would feel like such a turn around in what seems like such a short period of time. All of the suckiness is gone.
If you wonder why there have been little to no blog posts I will have to blame it on my work. Since going back to the office full time I have been transitioned onto our biggest account as the lead account manager. It has been hectic but rewarding.
I must now run off to the train station to pick up Ernie who was in the City playing with the Brooklyn Youth Chorus in the Museum of Natural History togniht. But don't worry, my mother in law is sleeping upstairs. I am not leaving the boys alone. She goes back to Vegas tomorrow - then we'll see if I still think things are so much easier.
Until then, keep on riding dirty my friends.
Monday, January 15, 2007
MLK Post by a Frazzled New Mom (Are you tired of this same old lament yet....)
You Rock, MLK. Thanks for all you did for us. Can't say lots has changed, still lots of people using the 'N Word' and all that, but you's better. I guess. What do I know, I'm a white girl? I do know the news is always talking about how the cops are shooting folks because they are in a particular part of town, or their skin is particularly dark....still seems like there's a long way to go.
But on the lighter side of things (OK, that pun was unintended, and actually it sounds a little creepy, but I am going to leave it anyway)- MLK Day is a day of rest in the advertising world AKA I get the day off. And last year on MLK day I found out I was preggers when I got two pink lines on my plastic pee stick in the middle of a snow storm. I remember walking in the snow to Target in Brooklyn to buy a box of tests because I couldn't stand to wait a day to find out. Look how much can change in a a year...but I digress.
So, today I have a few minutes to write in my blogs. Everyone keeps asking me what's up because I never write anymore. It's not that I don't love you, I do, really. It is just that now that I have gone back to work in the office full time I can't seem to find time to write. The boys require less time but more effort. They sleep more but need to be entertained, or want to be entertaining, when they are awake. And so I must oblige. I am hoping that once they are able to play with EACH OTHER it will allow mommy more time to herself. Is this a pipe dream? Only time will tell.
The beginning of the year has been busy for the A's. We went to visit Great Grandpa Germano on his 89th birthday Jan. 7th (Oh yeah, and I had a birthday on the second, but we won't talk about that).
That being said, I never got the chance to post my traditional Year in Photos for 2006. I promise to try to get to that before January is over. In the meantime, I will post some shots of the first two weeks' goings on.
But on the lighter side of things (OK, that pun was unintended, and actually it sounds a little creepy, but I am going to leave it anyway)- MLK Day is a day of rest in the advertising world AKA I get the day off. And last year on MLK day I found out I was preggers when I got two pink lines on my plastic pee stick in the middle of a snow storm. I remember walking in the snow to Target in Brooklyn to buy a box of tests because I couldn't stand to wait a day to find out. Look how much can change in a a year...but I digress.
So, today I have a few minutes to write in my blogs. Everyone keeps asking me what's up because I never write anymore. It's not that I don't love you, I do, really. It is just that now that I have gone back to work in the office full time I can't seem to find time to write. The boys require less time but more effort. They sleep more but need to be entertained, or want to be entertaining, when they are awake. And so I must oblige. I am hoping that once they are able to play with EACH OTHER it will allow mommy more time to herself. Is this a pipe dream? Only time will tell.
The beginning of the year has been busy for the A's. We went to visit Great Grandpa Germano on his 89th birthday Jan. 7th (Oh yeah, and I had a birthday on the second, but we won't talk about that).
4 Generations
Great Grandpa Germano and Waylon
Ernie made his first-ever bundt cake from scratch. Both boys have rolled over in each direction. Grandfather Adzentoivich became Super Grandpa within his first 2 hours with the boys.
Grandma and Grandpa Wood bought a timeshare in Antigua so we all will have a place to party into the future. Auntie Dee is in Hawaii. We had a party with all of our friends and their babies from NYC (And the Young-Crozet's who have just returned home to the states after 3 years in Switzerland!).

Great Grandpa Germano and Waylon

(Waylon, Leia & Vladimir) 
Me, Waylon & Vlad ( 4 1/2 mos), Melissa & Noah (4 1/2 mos), Emily & Simon (9 mos), Krista & Leia (6 mos)
Ernie and I have had the flu, the boys somehow managed to keep healthy. Vladi and Waylon had their 4 month vaccinations followed by a 102.2 fever. We made a trekk up to IKEA in New Haven in a fog storm in a borrowed minivan whose defrost button is broken...And now we are looking forward to shopping for a minivan of our own (Well, I am looking forward to it, Ernie keeps grumbling about the payments...).
Me, Waylon & Vlad ( 4 1/2 mos), Melissa & Noah (4 1/2 mos), Emily & Simon (9 mos), Krista & Leia (6 mos)

That being said, I never got the chance to post my traditional Year in Photos for 2006. I promise to try to get to that before January is over. In the meantime, I will post some shots of the first two weeks' goings on.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Well, well, well. Good news all around it seems.
Congratulations to my cousin Carleen and her new fiance Jeff. They were engaged on Christmas Eve. A September 1st wedding is in the works. We are so happy for them and couldn't imagine a more appropriate pairing!
Congratulations to my dear friend Stephanie (not cousin Steph, for those of you who also read her blog) who had a baby girl at 9:26 this morning. No name as of yet (I know what that's like...having waited 4 days before naming our boys). I was hoping for a boy to whom I could hand down scads of adorable clothing, but alas no. This is Steph's first child.
And lastly, congratulations to my former agency for being named Best Search Agency of the Year for 2006. Kudos, guys. I would like to think that although the employee roster over there looks much different than it did in Jan '06, we all had something to do with that success. Hurrah.
Congratulations to my cousin Carleen and her new fiance Jeff. They were engaged on Christmas Eve. A September 1st wedding is in the works. We are so happy for them and couldn't imagine a more appropriate pairing!
Congratulations to my dear friend Stephanie (not cousin Steph, for those of you who also read her blog) who had a baby girl at 9:26 this morning. No name as of yet (I know what that's like...having waited 4 days before naming our boys). I was hoping for a boy to whom I could hand down scads of adorable clothing, but alas no. This is Steph's first child.
And lastly, congratulations to my former agency for being named Best Search Agency of the Year for 2006. Kudos, guys. I would like to think that although the employee roster over there looks much different than it did in Jan '06, we all had something to do with that success. Hurrah.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me!
Yes folks. It's that time of year birthday.
Thank you, thank you.
In lieu of gifts, please order one of these energy efficient light bulbs and replace one regular bulb in your house. You will save money on your electric bill, and you will help save our environment. Really.
Thank you, thank you.
In lieu of gifts, please order one of these energy efficient light bulbs and replace one regular bulb in your house. You will save money on your electric bill, and you will help save our environment. Really.
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