Finished laughing yet? Wow. Those are good photos. I myself never indulged in the perm craze due to my naturally curly hair and all that. MY sister however, she was all about the perm. Unfortunately, I have no photos from the past to share with y'all. But I am going to keep it in mind the next time I am at my parents' house and have access to the family albums. That's funny stuff.
So, today what did we do? We had a little Thanksgiving of sorts, early-like. Jen and Steph from the perm era came over with their kids (three in all aged 10 mos to 7 years) and our new friends Joe and Marnie with their son (age 2yrs). We all got bundled up cuz it was cold here today don't ya know, and trekked down to the UBS Thanksgiving Parade Spectacular!

So, all the kiddies loved it. The Baranello family brought thermoses filled with hot cocoa. The kids all got to see Santa at the end. All of the favorite balloons were there; Kermit, Ms. Piggy, Beetle Bailey, Betty Boop, Big Bird, and of course Elmo and Dorothy.
Back at the house we continued the festivities with hot chili, warm apple cider and brownies. Yummm. Kiddies played (fought) with toys and the living room became a preschool for the afternoon. It was really a scene right out of Family Vacation or something like that. No, really the kids played together really nicely, especially giving their wide-range of ages. It was so nice to see them all running around, laughing and playing. At the end of the day it really felt like a special holiday moment. And yes, I am cheesy, I can't help it.
I promise to post some pics of the day (no, I didn't take that aerial shot of Elmo, I lifted it from the Parade site...psyche!). And I really hope you all have a wonderful and memorable Thanksgiving this year surrounded by friends and family!
1 comment:
It sounds like a wonderful day.
Keep up with the good work on NaBloPoMo - we're on the down hill side now.
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