Saturday, December 31, 2005
New Year's Thoughts
1. Funniest memory of 2005
2. Biggest personal accomplishment of 2005
3. Biggest professional accomplishment of 2005
4. Most inspiring moment of 2005
5. Biggest decision you made in 2005
6. Most difficult decision you made in 2005
7. Biggest disappointment in 2005
8. Someone who did something nice for you in 2005 – what did he/she do?
9. Someone you did something nice for in 2005 – who and what was it?
10. Stupidest thing you did in 2005
11. Smartest thing you did in 2005
12. Most challenging thing you did in 2005
13. Weirdest thing you did in 2005
14. One new thing you tried in 2005
15. Name a new person you met in 2005
16. Biggest purchase of 2005 (monetarily)
17. Best purchase in 2005 (emotionally)
18. Strangest thing you saw in person in 2005
19. Strangest thing you saw on TV or online in 2005
20. A good joke you heard in 2005
21. Favorite outfit in 2005
22. Something you’re sorry you did in 2005
23. Someone you owe an apology to for something you did in 2005
24. Someone who owes you an apology for something he/she did in 2005
25. Who did you have your biggest fight/argument with in 2005?
26. One person you made laugh in 2005
27. One word to describe your year
28. One word that you hope describes the year ahead
29. Personal prediction for 2006
30. Professional prediction for 2006
And Now for Some Photos
What's with the spots on the images? Camera malfunction or spirits of loved ones passed?
Aunts and Counsins
At the O'Neills.
Don't know why I'm not in any of these. I actually looked pretty good that night!
Ernie and Mom in Rockefeller Center
Playing Pop Culture Trivial Pursuit
Adzentoivich Christmas 2005
Before the New Year's Post
We spent Christmas Eve at the O'Neills for the first time. It was a lot of fun to be with all of my crazy Germano cousins.
Christmas day was just Ernie and I at my parent's house. we managed to amuse ourselves anyway.
It was our first Christmas in the new house with our little tree.
Some of these photos have spots on them. Especially the ones in the cathedral and around my dad when he opened his Christmas present. It is something wrong with my camera? Or is it the spirits of loved ones who have passed?
Thursday, December 29, 2005
So You Wanna Write a Book?
Now if I could only come up with a good story.....
Miss. Doxie - She Funny
Well, seeing as it is the week between Christmas and New Years and every one of my clients and the Search Engines themselves are all closed - I am bored, bored, bored. I already updated my Friendster profile, worked on MySpace and read The NY Times online. So what next? I read Steph's blog, not updated. Deanne's blog. Anne and Josette have obviously taken a blogging hiatus, as has Searchviews. So I had nowhere else to turn but to Miss. Doxie.
I read two entries and was peeing my pants at my desk. I literally had to stop reading and look out the window because I was crying from laughing and didn't want my co-workers to see me. You see, our boss is out on vacation and I am the Senior team member this week aka The Man. It would be very unprofessional for my team to see me hysterical over reading a blog during the work day. But there I was.
And so, Miss. Doxie you now have my vote. Not that you need it. She has zillions of comments for every blog post. Oh my God. I just read one about a shark encounter she had while helping to clean up a beach after one of the hurricanes, oh my God...If you're looking for a laugh.
So now I will add Mss. Doxie's blog to my list to the right. Please read her in good health. And Miss. Doxie - keep up the awesome posts!
This is the End
So as we wind down and head into 2006 I thought it might be fun to look back on the early blog posts. I suggest you click on a few of the archived weeks in the right sidebar. It is really fun.
For example, I forgot that back in January when I packed up clothes to take out to the first weekend on the farm I put them in Rubbermaid containers to protect them from all of the sawdust and mess that would be generated by the construction. THE CONSTRUCTION! Construction from CONTRACTORS! ha, ha, ha. Little did I know......where are those contractors anyway?
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Happy Birthday Deanne!!!
Enjoy it.
Sing karaoke.
Drink some wine.
Swim with dolphins.
Get a pedicure.
Love your life.
Here's to wishing you many, many, many more happy and healthy birthdays to come.
The Be Good Tanyas
I'm practicing the songs right now. You can easily find lyrics online. Drink a bottle of wine and see what you come up with. I bet Ruth would do this with me. Let's do it.
I told Ernie if he would just become a rock star I could sing like this and market the crap out of it - all while fulfilling my soul.
Check them out - The Be Good Tanyas. They are so cool. And we can do the same thing girls. The harmonies are all a 5th. The lyrics are all old traditional songs. All we need to do is come up with melodies - easy.
Seems so easy.
Isn't it easy? I have such a crush on them. I want to be a Tanya. Be a Tanya with me, please?
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Polar Bear Swim
Anyone care to join me this year?
January 1, 2006 New Year's Day
Join the Coney Island Polar Bears for their 103rd annual New Year Day's swim, 1:00 pm, on the boardwalk at
This year we will again be hosting the Special Olympics New York. Make a pledge to the Special Olympics and have a hearty pre-swim breakfast at the New York Aquarium while enjoying the penguin and walrus feeding and sea lions show.
The Coney Island Polar Bears wish to thank all the sponsors for their support: Special Olympics New York, the New York Aquarium, Jimmy Dean, Junior's Cheesecake, Coca Cola, Statewide Coffee, Crowley Foods, Aunt Butchie Cakes,
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas
My merry, merry boys,
The Christmas log to the firing,
While my good dame she
Bids ye all be free,
And drink to your heart's desiring.
With the last year's brand
Light the new block, and,
For good success in his spending,
On your psalteries play
That sweet luck may
Come while the log is a teending.
Drink now the strong beer,
Cut the white loaf here,
The while the meat is a shredding;
For the rare mince-pie,
And the plums stand by,
To fill the paste that's a kneading.'- Robert Herrick (17th Century)
Friday, December 23, 2005
For the Rest of Us...
I told him I wanted a divorce and he told me I was just stressed out. I decided he was right and then he wrestled me to the ground (If you don't get it, then you just have to click on the link and figure it out for yourselves).
Today is actually the true Festivus, we just decided to start a day early because I was already pissed off. Well, it worked and now we are all made-up and having our Festivus Feast - well, if you can call a bottle of Pinot Noir a feast. Last night we ordered a deluxe pizza after the AOG, so maybe you can call that the Festivus Feast, if you want.
You can actually buy a Festivus Pole, but we didn't this year. This year it was really more about the AOG than anaything else. Maybe next year we can do the pole thing. I think it can double as a vertical bike rack the rest of the year, or a prop for a stripper, depending.
You may be surprised to know that Festivus is a true holiday. I guess it is a way to clear out all of the old crap so that you don't carry any grudges or negative crap into the new year. It allows you to accept the Christmas, Hanukkah (MSWord spells it with one K, Google spells it with two) or Kwanza presents without any guilt, because you can really feel like you like, or even love, the person who is giving it to you (now that you've gotten all those grievances out in the open).
I have to say that I don't have many disappointements to air to all of you. You have all been faithful Blog readers this year.
I guess do feel that you could contribute more, though. It would be nice if someone wrote back once in a while. I mean, Tony C. tries every so often, and when he does it is a pisser (I know I have been using the adjective/adverb piss a lot in this post. Ernie just told me that Tony C. used to be in a band called Piss. How cool. Would love to hear some of that). But come on. Linda? Hello! I know you are reading this. Why don't you ever write? Randy? Steph? What gives? Are you guys all take and no give? Show me the love. And what about my dearest, who loves to be a backseat blogger but won't ever step up to the plate himself? MIL? You too...
Anne - your write so well, you're blog kills me every time, and I rarely write to you, so I won't include you in this airing. But Josette is another story, and I have no way to know whether or not Aunt Francie has been lurking here....
Now that I have a house - even though I don't live in it - I vow to hold the yearly Festivus. On Dec 23rd we will gather to honestly Air Our Grievances and then show feats of strength before enjoying a Feast and exchanging crappy re-gifted Festivus gifts.
Then we will all get drunk on Boil-o (photo courtesy of Google Images - Michael, you should be careful what you send to the nether regions of the internet - don't blame me Josette, I almost pissed my pants when I searched Boilo on Google Images and it gave me this...) and wake-up two days later to a truly Happy Holiday.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Senate Rejects Extension of Patriot Act
AP - 5 minutes ago (via Yahoo! News)
"WASHINGTON - The Senate on Friday refused to reauthorize major portions of the USA Patriot Act after critics complained they infringed too much on Americans' privacy and liberty, dealing a huge defeat to the Bush administration and Republican leaders."
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Now I Get It

"...slightly larger than a domestic cat with dark red fur and a long bushy tail...has very small ears and large hind legs, was spotted in the Kayan Mentarang national park in the mountainous jungles of Kalimantan, where vast tracts of rainforest still remain..."
These mammals also can be spotted sleeping on beds and scaling to the tops of acoustic double basses in apartments in Brooklyn and homes in Connecticut and Pennsylvania. There have also been a few spottings at the beach and in the woods...
More Pictures
Give the people what they want - I always say...
This is a nice one on a snowy December morning. Ernie as "Ocean Man" in Barbados...

And here is a little Green Monkey - mon, hanging out by the beach...

And, when we were tan. It lasted, like, a day...

Ahhhh. Now I feel much better. When I woke up this morning to more snow and wind all I wanted to do was pull the covers up over my head. But looking through my photo library reminded me of lovely warm Barbados. It is a place of happiness. You should go there. Maybe we'll buy our next piece of real estate down there - kidding! Shut up!
Don't get me wrong - I do love winter. Remember this?

BTW - My sister says she likes Scions. What!? It must be an LA thing, because she isn't a 22 year old car-enthusiast boy trying to make it into 2Fast 2Furious 3 - or is she?
Next thing I know she'll be serving Turducken for Christmas.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Ernie Plays Lincoln Center
More Pictures!
I was so proud of myself for actually writing again and now I find that nobody cares about what I might have to say - they just want to see some goofy phots instead. So OK, here are a few to tie you over until the Holiday pics are ready...ENJOY!
The Family at Dad's 60th Birthday Non-Surprise Party:

Autumn in Adzentoivich Woods:

The Scariest Cat Not on TV (Image)