Had lots of what they call "practice" contractions. Also known as Braxton Hicks. Fortunately (?) this was discovered for the first time while I was hooked to monitors at my last doctor's visit. This prompted the doctor to order two bags of IV fluid to re-hydrate me. Which although it made for a 3 hour doctor appointment, did seem to stop the contractions. At least for a few hours.
Still having lots of them. They don't hurt. Basically the belly just gets as hard as a rock and feels very tight and heavy. Called the Dr yesterday because I was still having so many and wanted to be reassured not to worry. Instead he sent me to the hospital. Luckily the hospital is a 2 minute walk across the street from the house - not that I walked. They monitored me and the babies for three hours and sent me home. No IV. Told me to "rest" and to "Take it easy". What do all of these people think I am doing these days? Running 5Ks? I mean honestly, I don't do much of anything on days that I don't work. And when at work I sit at a desk all day. How much more can I take it easy? How am I ever going to paint the babies' room or vacuum the house?
Ernie is at the farm fixing whatever damage was done by the floods. Seems our damn broke and our pond is no more. A 100 foot pine tree fell, or was uprooted I suppose. The driveway was washed out and made impassable. The swimming hole rose up through the woods to the edge of the lower field. Sorry to say that all of Deanne and Aimee's work from last summer was washed right away.
Of course, these are all minor problems. We still have water and electricity at the house. And the house is still standing. Seems some animals took shelter in our basement and made themselves a nice cozy nest with sticks and fiberglass insulation (ohhhhh, comfy shards of fiberglass). Ernie is cementing up the hole under the basement door to discourage them from returning.
Last weekend was Allen and Liz's wedding outside of New Hope, PA. It was beautiful, even though many of the roads and bridges were closed. I didn't do much dancing on account of the watermelon feet and sausage toes,

but I swayed in my seat as much as possible. Here's a picture, in case you were wondering what a gigantic-bellied woman wears to an outdoor wedding in July.

Sort of tent-like, but I didn't think it was too bad. And look how cute we are - we match!
The day after the wedding was a pool party at this beautiful house in PA. Basically what Ernie and I envision the farm to be someday. Their mile long driveway was actually paved and lighted. Yes, I broke out the preggo suit and joined the festivities in the pool. It was 90 degrees, I really had no choice!

Notice the slimming horizontal stripes. Nothing like a giant scary monster at all.
The babies' room is still not painted. The new windows have not arrived. Nor have the cribs. The house basically looks like a construction zone. But I guess it will all get done - somehow. Ernie is turning into a regular Norm.
Sorry for such a boring-type post. I don't think my witty brain cells are very active these days. Just trying to get through as best I can without oh I don't know - leaving my keys hanging in the front door all night long, or shutting Mrs. Jinx in the bedroom door (yes, I got her too).
You and your belly are just so cute!! I can't wait to see these babies!
You look beautiful!
And yes, I have a maternity bathing suit with horizontal stripes, too. What's up with that? I guess they figured "No hiding it. Why bother?"
I was also told to "take it easy" three weeks ago because I woke up not being able to breath. I walked to the bathroom and felt like I had run a marathon.
They brought me in, poked at me a bit, and told me that my iron was low and the baby was up in my lungs. Go home and take it easy.
My reaction was, "Uhm...I have two children. I don't know what 'take it easy' means or how to do that."
They said, "Lay around for a few days."
I asked for a prescription to a resort. Alone.
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