Oh yeah!!!!!
That was a top
10 single in 1986 - according to Wikipedia.
Well - I feel like I have just entered it.
On Thursday evening I thought I had gone into premature labor. The staff at my Dr.'s office thought so too. They hooked me up to monitors and did all sorts of little tests to make sure I wasn't. 2 hours later we were sure it wasn't my water that had broken (I know, iew).
While I was hooked up to machines at the Dr.'s office, Ernie was across the street from our house at the hospital meeting with a bunch of pediatricians. He was the good daddy-to-be and asked about a million questions in front of a half dozen other expecting couples; how long do you recommend breast feeding, how do you feel about circumcision, what if the babies are premature, etc. He was the only man there without a pregnant wife.
This may have caused a few odd stares, I'm not sure.
Anyway, he liked the Docs and we have decided to go with them. We can walk to the office from home, and they will put off the MMR vaccination until the kids are 3 years old if we choose. So that was cool by us.
Oh, the album cover art? I guess I am just on a Hair Metal kick these days. Nostalgia before I give up my youth to become a mom?
Could be but maybe not. The song just popped into my head and I couldn't help myself but to look it up. So shoot me.
Now we are in the 10 week countdown. 10 weeks and these boys will be ready to join the family for real.
Ten weeks.
Ten is not a lot. Not a lot of weeks at all.
Next weekend we are going to a wedding.
Then there will be only 9 weeks...
The following weekend Krista's baby is due.
Then there will be only 8 weeks...
8 weeks is two months. That's not a lot of months...
Five weeks from now our new windows will arrive.
Then there will only be 5 weeks.
Why do we need windows? Well, we thought it would be a good idea to replace the 100 year old drafty ones in the babies' room before we put them to sleep in there over the winter. Here is what their room looks like right now...

Yes, we need to paint, too.
Are you beginning to see why I feel like we are running out of time?
My belly is getting so huge that I don't know if I will even be able to paint the room (but don't ask me to post any more belly pics, I would rather you all remember me the way I was way back at 17 weeks). And if you ever saw a paint job done by Ernie (or heard him complain while painting a room) you would understand why this prospect frightens me so.

The cats are getting ready. They know big changes are around the corner.

Ernie is freaking out at the sheer amount of baby gear we now have littering up our diningroom (waiting for it's place to live). Don't get me wrong, it is all AWESOME and I can't wait to use it all - but the babies aren't even here and their stuff is over-running the house. We have no idea how much stuff one baby needs, let alone two...

I remember when this was all a dream that we never thought would come true. And now here we are. 10 weeks to go. And waiting for two (a rhyme, I know).
So maybe it isn't REALLY the final countdown. I suppose I should save that moniker for the last week or something. But it all feels so real now, and I wonder every morning how I could have possibly gotten bigger since the night before. So it feels to me like I am in the home stretch.
I feel truly lucky, no matter how much I complain about my giant feet or my aching back, or the lack of sleep, or the shooting pain in my hips, or the lack of clothes now that all of the maternity stuff is too tight, shoes don't fit, and it's so so hot......