Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bumbo Seat Recall

Oh my GOD! I talked about this Bumbo Seat on this and my other blog. If you bought it please read the warning and BE CAREFUL! Babies have actually cracked their skulls....terrifying.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Sometimes it Doesn't Suck...

Yes, I made it home from Saint Louis and we took the boys to the doctor and then to the hospital for a second blood test to check their lead levels. It was so terrible. The little guys each sat on my lap, one at a time, while the phlebotomist put the rubber band around their bicept and then drew blood from their little arm. Wailling ensued.

Almost three weeks, several calls to the state and city Departments of Health, a couple of lead test kits from Home Depot and many emails and phone calls of advice from friends and family later and the test results are back and the lead levels are NORMAL.

Original levels:
Vladimir 20
Waylon 15

Second test levels:
Vladimir 4
Waylon 5

So now we can rest easy. We are still giving them the vitamin supplement with Iron and cleaning the house from top to bottom while pumping the boys full of OJ, but we can be at ease knowing that their lead exposure was very limited and short-lived. Horray!

Life is good - nothing else really matters but the well-being of the boys, and that's the truth.